So Yesterday as it was a bank holiday I got up at 5 am and went to visit Corsham pump track and test out the Cult Race bike. I did a couple of laps but wasn’t feeling the track as it was really rough and had goose crap all over it for some reason?? I think the track would be good on a jump bike as the rough surface and bad transitions on the jumps would not be an issue like they were on the race BMX (another reason to get bigger tyres on the race bike!) I decided as I was near Bromham I would pop over and ride there so I did!
When I started riding Bromham I wasn’t really feeling it either so I decided to head to Longwell Green track as I like it better so it would be a better track to get used t the Cult on. When I got to the car I bent down and grabbed the bike and turned to put it in the car and my back went 🙁 It was super painful and I was struggling to drive so I decided to go to Bath track instead as it was closer to home!
When I got to Bath, I got out of the car and knew that my back was worse then I had realised so I gave up and went home and when to bed where I stayed all day 🙁
Today my back is still really sore so I am working in bed as I can’t sit up at all 🙁 It is not as bad as it was yesterday but that could be just the Voltorol doing its thing and numbing the area or if it is getting better! I plan to rest today and then start walking again tomorrow to try and walk my disk back into position so that I can start at the gym asap to start getting stronger and hopefully reduce the number of injuries that I get going forwards!
I really need to prioritise the gym and getting in shape over riding the bike otherwise I will never stop the endless cycle of getting faster, getting hurt, getting fatter etc 🙁