So This morning I woke up really late as I didn’t sleep well at all as I had to sleep with headphones as my neighbours were talking and it was keeping me a wake! Totally my problem as they were not being overly load or anything just talking in their flat so I put headphones on and I couldn’t hear them any more! I put a trip hop mix on which was really good for sleeping but when the mix finished Spotify put on something way harder so it woke me up 🙁
When I finally got up I did my weigh in and I am up to 107.9kgs this morning so the holiday period is well and truly over!
Yesterday I only managed 2866 steps all day so a super lazy day so today it is back to 12500 steps a day to get my weight down as much as possible before the start of next year (Next Monday!).
I am probably not going to anything other than house work and walking done this week though but I hope that that will enough to at least get me down to 106kgs by the end of the week as I will be stopping drinking Fizzy drinks again today so that should help get my weight down a fair bit on its own although I haven’t been drinking too much I have noticed that my acid reflux was back again last night and I had to drink some peptac liquid last night when I woke up at 2am!
I haven’t had any real reflux since I stopped drinking fizzy drinks so that is another really good reason to stop drinking it again other than it makes me fat and is basically poison!
The fact that I put on over 1kg in 3 days partially due to drinking fizzy drinks just goes to show how bad it is!