Got up and out early today

WhatsApp Image 2024 08 31 at 13.48.50

This morning I woke up at 5am with my alarm and got up and did my weigh-in and i am down almost 1kg (103.8 – 102.9 kgs) from yesterday so that’s a good sign! I really do need to get back on the Carnivore diet as I put on 1 kgs this week so I basically stayed the same weight this week πŸ™

I think that once I actually start exercising regularly during the week and stick to the carnivore diet as well I should be able to get under 100 kgs for the first time in years by the end of September! This is going to be my goal for the month! Get under 100kgs by 31st September 2024! To do that I will need to prioritise eating properly and working out consistently for the month. I have decided to change my week out again andΒ  do the following:

Monday AM – Sled and Leg weights

Monday Lunch – Rest

Monday PM – Rest

Tuesday AM – Sprints

Tuesday Lunch – Track Skills

Tuesday PM – Rollers

Wednesday AM – Road Bike Ride

Wednesday Lunch – Track Skills

Wednesday PM – Rollers

Thursday AM – Sprints

Thursday Lunch – Track Skills

Thursday PM – Rollers

Friday AM – Road Ride

Friday Lunch – Free Ride

Friday PM – Rest

Saturday AM – Sprints

Saturday PM – Gates

Sunday AM – Free Ride

Once the backwards treadmill arrives I will also add 10 minutes of that a day to my routine probably first thing.

After a fight with my son as he didn’t want to get up we finally left about 6:30 and headed to Patchway. We got there for 7am and played on the back straight for a bit then my son got bored and went sleep in the car again. I then moved on to first straights and worked on pump manuals on the 3rd jump on the first straight. I had an issue at the start of the session with the pedals working loose but after that the Standard rode amazingly well and is very similar to the Curtis so I can now see what all the fuss is about with them πŸ™‚ I still thing there is something a little better with the Curtis but as my training bike the Standard will do nicely!

By the end of the session I had forgotten that I was on flat pedals and I managed to manual the second jump on the 1st straight then pump to manualled the 3rd on 1st then race paced the berm and the 1st jump on the second straight and then manualled the other 2 jumps on the 2nd straight and then race paced the berm and 1st jump on the 3rd straight and then manualled the next one and nose manualled the table top to finish πŸ™‚

I was amazed that getting the 3rd jump on the 1st straight gave me so much more speed to smoothly ride the and straight and the manuals came straight away so I was super happy with the session today!Β  The only slight negative was that with the 180mm cranks I was unable to hook my feet effectively at the bottom of the pedal strokes when pedalling and also I struggled to get over the top of the pedal stroke too to pedal down the backside of jumps after manuals! I have decided that 180mm cranks are not for me so I have ordered a couple of pairs of 175mm Shimano DXR cranks for the Curtis and Standard and then I will out the 180mm Shimano DXR cranks on my Son’s Supercross as he has longer legs than me so they should be good for him πŸ™‚

After the session we headed home and both had showers and got changed and then I let my son play games for a while and I chilled on the phone for a bit while I waited for my Amazon delivery that was supposed to be here yesterday but didn’t get delivered πŸ™

Once the delivery arrived we headed out to my parents house via Halfords to pick up new wiper blades for my car as sit has its MOT this coming week so it will need some new wiper blades! When we got to my parents I loaded my GT into the car as I need the cranks, brake and lever and freewheel off of it to go on the Cult Race 24″ when I build it up πŸ™‚ Luckily the GT cranks were 175mm so that will mean that all of my bikes have the same size cranks but will have different gearing so I can grab different bikes depending on the type of sprints or training I want to do!

We then had a chill roast with the family and then we headed back to Bath and I dropped my son off at his mums for about 5pm and then headed home.

When I got home I ordered the white S&M 29er bars that I think are the last pair in the country at the moment and will be fine on the Standard for now so that I can put the black ones on the Curtis so that I can have the same bars on the Curtis and the Standard and I will run the same bars but 5″ rise on the Cult until I can get more black sets then I will get another set and swap them onto the Standard and then put the white bars on the Cult!

So I am now in limbo waiting for parts to arrive for the Curtis and the Standard 125R 24″ and also for the Standard OS20 build too I am also waiting for the Cult frame to arrive so that I can build that bike up too!

After I chilled for a bit I put the helmets and things into my boot tidy and it works really well as the helmets just fit in the partitions perfectly so we have one partition for my helmet, gloves and goggles, one for my son’s gloves and helmet and a 3rd partition where I have put some tools and the car pump for now but I will separate it into smaller compartments later and separate things more.

I then went onto eBay and bought a couple of spanners a 24mm to use with my son’s front wheel to leave in the car and a 1 inch spanner to use with the freewheel removal tool to make it easier to remove freewheels when I need to as at the moment I am using an adjustable spanner which is not ideal!

I am not going to the office or the gym tomorrow as I’m not feeling 100% so I plan to start work at 5am then take a break at 6am get showered and dressed and take the Standard to the track and get an hour in before starting work again at 7:30. I plan to organise the car more at lunch time and I have to sort out the bike carrier on the passenger side as I put it on the wrong way around so I can’t use it at the moment! Once the bike rack is all sorted I will be able to leave the seats up in the back of the car and organise the boot optimally for all my kit to be setup properly and in an organised way! I am still looking for a way to neatly store shoes in the boot of the car so that they can easily be found and put away again! I have decided that I will get rid of my Shimano shoes and keep the Adidas and sidi ones for now until I replace the sidi ones before the start of next season. I am not really using clips at the moment so they are just in the car to keep them out of the house and also just in case I decide to use them on a whim. I am going to leave some pedals with the shoes too as the Adidas have Shimano cleats on them and the sidi’s have HT cleats. I have also bulk ordered 10 24×1.75 inner tubes to leave in the car too so that I have a stock on hand. They worked out at Β£2.50 a tube too so half the price of a lot of sites. My idea is to have everything that I need in the boot of the car for when I need it so I don’t have to cut any training sessions short due to issues with equipment. I also want to have the stuff organised and make it easy to move out of the car if need be so I think I may get another boot tidy like the one that arrived today then i can remove everything by moving 2 bags.

I am going to do some testing over the winter to see what works and what doesn’t so that when I eventually get a van I will be in a position to optimally set the van up.

One thing that I noticed today was how much easier it is getting ready when you ride flats as you literally get out of the car and put your body armour on and you are ready to go and vice versa you take it off and you are ready to drive home 😁 no messing with shoes at all 😁


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