BMX Racing – Gosport Nationals Practice Day.


BMX Racing – Gosport Nationals Practice Day.

I arrived at the Gosport track after an uneventful but slow 2.5hr drive where the only real hold ups were in Salisbury and on the M27 which had road works and a 50mph speed restriction due to road works, but kept flowing at 50mph so wasn’t a huge hold up.

I paid for a weekend parking and parked up the car and wandered across the road to find the team Gazebo spots and met up with my friend Matt who had already brought the gazebo over and was waiting for help to put it up. We got the gazebo up and pinned down and then chilled for a bit before going back to the cars to get ready for the first practice session at 17:00. We also registered our bikes and bought our practice bands on the way back from the car so we were all ready for practice and the weekends racing.

The Over 13’s practice at 17:00 was pretty quiet for a National and I got 5 or 6 laps in with a few gates too so I was pretty happy with that! It was super hot but there was a breeze so it was bearable at least!

We then went back to the Gazebo and refuelled, drank loads of fluids and hid from the sun as it was still baking hot! We had the second session at 18:45 which again I got a couple of laps in and a couple of gates and then I left to find the hotel and rest up for the first day of racing the next day.

I stopped off at the supermarket on the way to the hotel as it was on the way and stocked up on food for the night and sweets and soft bakes for the next couple of days to eat between races. I then got to the hotel, got my room key and took ALL of my stuff to the room as the hotel was in a bit of a rough area so I didn’t want to take the chance of getting the car broken into and losing anything.

I then ate, showered and then went to bed ready to get up in the morning and head back over to the track for racing!


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