Good weigh in again

My weigh in this morning was way better than i was expecting to be honest! I was 104.0 kgs so I lost 0.8kgs yesterday with minimal exercise. So in 2 weeks I have lost 4.9 kgs which is amazing and as I keep saying it has been with minimal exercise as well so when I start training properly the weight should drop off even faster!

Today was the first day that I have been really craving carbs or sweets and once i got some fish and chip shop chicken my cravings stopped so I think that the cravings were more about takeaway than carbs anyway 🙂

I am deffo keeping on this diet for at least the 4 weeks that I stated that I would do but I may well also keep it going for another month or beyond to make sure that I get to my goal weight so that I can start playing basketball again by the winter! I really go off of riding BMX in the winter so swapping to basketball would be great winter training as they both use the same energy systems more or less and basketball is really explosive really high maintenance so I think it will get me really fit to start racing again next year!

As I am not going to the gym to do upper body workouts I was thinking of doing 100 press ups a night before bed and as many pull ups as I can do (basically none at the moment 🙂 to work on my upper body conditioning for BMX without having to spend all my time in the gym. As it gets darker in the mornings I will start back at the gym but for now I want to make the most of the light mornings to walk in the sun or ride my bike! I think I will try and get to skatepark in the mornings before work when I am not at the gym to do some different riding and work on my bunny hops, manuals and jumping in a non track type setting.

I am also thinking that I need to start going to the track at lunch times and doing sprints and track skills sessions to start working out more consistently as I am not doing much training at all at the moment which is not ideal!

Yesterday I bought a knee brace which arrived today so I am hoping that that will help with the knee pain that I have been getting recently.

My focus for the next few weeks is to get in the habit of working out in the gym 2x a week to strengthen my knee up as quickly as possible. At the moment the most I have been to the gym in a week is once which is better than nothing but not great!

I am going to do Wednesday and Saturday in the gym and then the rest of the week I will either go on a road ride or try and get to a pump track and ride a bit before work to start getting fit again!

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday I will go to the track at lunch time and do sprints followed by a bit of a play on the track afterwards to finish off. Friday we have a Friday lunch club so that is my play at the track day and is as much about talking shit and having a laugh as riding really!

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