Forks and wheel arrived for the Standard 125R

So this morning the forks and Rear wheel arrived for the Standard and I was on a half day today so as soon as I finished work I got the Standard in the work stand and built it up:

As you can see not all the parts are the same colour which is a bit annoying but it will do for now. The stem had to be blue as I already had a new 45mm blue Crupi i-Beam stem in the parts draw that wasn’t used on another build and the chain tensioners are red as they came off the Chase when I bought it so they will do the job for now.

As my friends Daughter is borrowing it for a bit the bike also has the 5″ rise S&M race bars to make the front end lower. I am amazed at how light the rear wheel is which I guess is due to it being a freewheel wheel which is essentially a front hub with a thread for the freewheel on them so they are super light compared to a cassette hub especially the Onyx hubs I’m used to. I also out a Tubolito in the rear wheel so that helps to keep the weight down.

I found out that the seat clamp isn’t a 30.0 as it is supposed to be so I have ordered a cheapie 30.0mm seat clamp from the internet to replace it with.

I took the Halo Clickster off of the GT for now as I am not able to ride the GT anyway because of the ankle so it saves me spending another £50 on the bike at the moment. I also used the grips from the Chase when I got it so they were free too.

My fiend has some size appropriate cranks and will have to source a 39 and 40T chain ring to test the gearing to get one as close as her 20″ and he can add a chain as well.

I’m super happy with the bike and I am glad that I bought it even though I didn’t really need it! When I am able to ride I will time share the Standard with my friends daughter so that I can use it to train on and she can use it to race on. I will probably leave it in the container at the track to make it easier for them to get it and my idea is for me to have my own bars, chain tensioners, cranks etc then when She is borrowing it my friend can swap out all my bits for hers and then when they are done my parts can go back on there.

I’m just putting the wheel back onto the GT and then I will stick it in the back of the Garage as it can’t be used until I get a new Halo Clickster freewheel for the Standard so that I can put the 18T one back on the GT. I am thinking that I will get a 16T Clickster for the Standard as I already have a 37T Rennen Chain Ring ready to use on it and as a new freewheel is about the same price as a new chain ring it makes more sense to get a new freewheel really!

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