Finally got up and walked first thing

This morning I woke up at 5 and got up, showered and got dresses and then went out for a walk first thing! My back is really sore still but it eased up over the walk and I got to see the sun for once which was nice 🙂 It was warm but not too warm too so all in all a good walk! I did my usual close to home loop along the 2 tunnels and by the time I got home I was on 5266 steps so only 10000 steps to do to get to my 15000 steps for the day!

I am staying off the bike for a couple days to try and get my back pain free again so at lunch I will go for another walk and then I will go for another walk after work and then I should be at 150000 steps for the day!

I have been thinking about building a more successful daily routine to start getting back into the habit of getting straight up and out the door exercising every day and I am going to add road rides to my morning routine as I am not very motivated to walk at the moment so I think I need to ride more while its light in the mornings during the summer. At the moment its light by 5 ish so I can get an hour of riding in before work not problems so I will start doing that on the days when I am not in the gym so Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays are non gym days and Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are gym days for now.

So as my training Sticky shows I will be doing the following amount of days of each exercise:

Road Ride = 3 Hours

Gym = 3 Hours

Gate = 5-6 Hours

Jumping at the track = 4-8 hours

Pump Track = 2-3 hours

Total workout time = 17 – 23 hours a week training this month which is not bad. I will also try and keep to my 10000 steps a day if possible as well


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