Finally Feeling Better!

Finally Feeling Better!

For the first time in at least 1 month I woke up feeling normal again! I woke up with my alarm at 5:30 but decided not to go for a walk as I am going to go for a walk with my son this evening.

I bumbled about for as bit and then decided that I need to get the flat sorted as it has been neglected for the past month where I have just done the bare minimum (or a bit less!!) to keep in tidy. The flat has been stressing me for a while as it id feeling really cluttered again as I have not kept on top of keeping tidy and organized due to feeling so ill so everywhere you go there are things in your way and you have to move things to do anything! It may not be quite that bad but thats what it feels like to me.

I cranked up my computer and made a to-do list for the rest of the week before I am in work again on Thursday. I also setup my Ubuntu VM on my laptop so that I can ssh to it from my windows OS as I have to start learning bash scripting this week so I now have my Linux OS ready to start.

I then got up and got my son off to school and while I was making his morning cup of tea I ticked the first task off of my list which was doing the washing up 🙂

I then stripped off my Son’s bed and put his sheets in to was and tidies away all the clean washing that has been in a pile waiting to be put away for at least a week! Second thing ticked off my list already!

I then cleaned the bathroom and decided to take a break to update this post 🙂

It is currently 9am and I have almost ticked 3 tasks off of my list already and done 3200 steps whilst doing it so its a win win today :-).

By 11am I had crashed and burnt and went back to bed until 3pm.

At about 8pm I went out for a walk with my son around the park to finish off my 10000 steps for the day which was a great way to finish the day!

10275 steps done for the day and a handful of chores ticked off of my list to boot so a successful day none the less.

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