Feeling slightly better today – Dialled MX24R finally built up.

WhatsApp Image 2024 09 25 at 14.31.43

I woke up feeling a bit better today but over slept my alarm by 45 minutes so got up did my weigh in (Back up to 104.7 kgs!) and then showered and went for a walk.

I was still feeling a bit sick so I did the short loop which is Just over 6000 steps but its better than sleeping all morning and gets me out of the house! By the time I got home I was on 6252 steps so I’m over half way to getting my 10000 steps in today already πŸ™‚

I woke up this morning a sweaty mess so I am hoping that my body is finally starting to sweat out the illness that i have had for the past couple weeks so hopefully I will be feeling better by tyhe weekend and can start riding all of my bikes that I have been building up πŸ™‚

The chain tensioners for the dialled arrive today so I will have that all in one piece and ready to ride when they get here as I have the chain ready to go! So tomorrow I will go for a walk, come home and then ride the Dialled into the office as I am working in the office tomorrow as its one of my friends last day. I am hoping that the blue pedals for the Dialled arrive today too as they were sent on Monday so should be arriving about now! That would mean that the Dialled will be fully built up and ready to go.

I will try and get the S&M allΒ  finished up today too. It needs the new hub spacers and lock ring fitting and a new brake system and grips then it is done too! I will also stick the Jump bike and the Black Market out in the Garage so that I have room to bring the Federal back in so it is easier to get if I want to ride it as its at the back of the garage at the moment so is hard to grab, especially early in the morning when its really dark!

So I have just got the S&M into the work stand and found that the hub it has on it at the moment will not take the new lock ring so I will have to re-think the S&M Build. I either go for a 44 x 16 and have to buy a new chain or I wait until I get the Profile wheels built up and use them. I am thinking I will get the profile mini hubs built up and use them instead with the 33 x 12 gearing as planned as I love the look of that gearing and it will also work better if I am using the S&M in the skatepark and on the pump track too. I have jsut thought that I have a set of decent Staystrong rims on my old park bike wheels so I will break them down and get the old profile mini hubs built up on them and then I will get the profile Elite hubs off of the Standard 125R 24″ and get them built up on the new Sun Envy rims to go on the Dialled 24″ then I will have Profile Elite hubs on all of my bikes that I will potentially race on the track (Curtis, Standard OS20 and Dialled) so all bikes should feel similar! They will also all be OK to ride in the wet as the Profile Hubs seem to cope with the wet conditions in the UK better than the Onyx hubs do! I will also have profile Mini’s on the Standard 125R 24″ and the S&M so they are really good hubs too πŸ™‚

So I have just fitted the new Profile mini axle that I bought and the bearings are not the best so I may order some new hub bearings for the rear hub to have them on hand if the hubs don’t ride properly! I will get the hubs built up onto the rims as planned then I will see about replacing the bearings when I get the wheel back. The driver is new as is the axle so I may as well replace the hub bearings then the hub is basically brand new πŸ™‚ the front hub is brand new anyway so I will then have a brand new wheelset. Using the park bike rims makes sense as they are not very heavily used so will be good and I can then stick the hubs on sale on ebay as they will be easier to sell than the complete wheels as they came on a Dialled bike that I bought so were part park and part race/ trails bike which never really made sense so will be a hard sell!Β  At least I can put the rims to good use and then it is easier to sell the hubs separately!

This lunch time I will get the wheels out of the car and cut all the spokes and separate the rims and hubs and get them ready to give to my friend at gates at the weekend. I will also get the Profile Elite wheels onto the Standard 24″ and break down the Profile Elite wheels and get them boxed up ready to get them laced up on the new Sun Envy Rims. I will then use the front 24″ Sun Envy rim to build up the Profile Elite disk hub that will be arriving later this week then I can get the Dialled, Curtis and S&M all on wheels with Profile hubs πŸ™‚

So I just tested the rear hub in the frame and noticed that the hub has front cones on it not rear cones so I have ordered a set of Profile mini rear cones from Custom Riders off of eBay and I will order some new bearings as well then the hub will be brand new πŸ™‚

So this lunch time I broke down the wheels and put the Staystong Aliennation rims and the profile mini hubs in a box ready to take to my friend at the weekend. Then the parts for the Dialled MX20R arrived and my new riding to work gloves too. I have fully set up the Dialled now so its ready to ride as the blue pedals arrived today too. I think I still prefer the black pedals over blue I am going to leave the blue pedals on as I bought them for this bike after all!Ijjj

WhatsApp Image 2024 09 25 at 14.25.06 copy I went for bright yellow so that I can be seen in the dark as most of my clothes are black so at least there is no excuse for not seeing the gloves when I am wearing them! Also it will be really easy to find my gloves in my bag in the office too as my bag is black so the gloves stand out really well. This is the exact opposite of my usual dark coloured gloves which are a nightmare to find in the bag usually!

I am super happy at how the Dialled has turned out and I can’t wait to ride it. It will be even more amazing when it has Profile Elite hubs on Sun Envy rims on there too πŸ™‚ I have also found the sticker set too so I will put them on after work today then the bike is 100% done and ready to ride!

I have decided to not break up the Profile Elite wheel set as I had planned and I will buy a new front Sun Envy 24″ rim instead to use to build up my new Profile Elite disk hub for the Curtis! The wheels on the Dialled are fine for training on so I will leave them as they are until I need to replace then then I will get a set of Profile Elite wheels built up but as this will be my training/ 3rd race bike behind the Curtis and the Standard OS20 it doesn’t actually need really decent wheels. In fact training on worse wheels will be better than training on decent wheels as it makes the full race bikes feel way faster πŸ™‚ Also depending on how much I ride the OS20 I may brake this bike down and hang it on the wall anyway so no need to spend on it!

I have just bought the rim now so that will be here by the weekend I would have thought so I can drop that off to build as well πŸ™‚

At lunch time I was watching videos on easy ways to burn extra calories and one of them suggested wearing ankle weights when at home and I have a pair of ankle weights that I used to use so I have started doing this when at home now πŸ™‚ I have been wearing them since I saw the video and my legs are hammered already πŸ™‚ When I finish work I will take them off and get my 10 minutes backwards walking in and then put them back on again for the rest of the evening to start burning as much as I can. Another video said swap walking on the flat for working hills so I will start doing my uphill walk from tomorrow morning to see if that helps burn more fat as well.

I have also just told work that I am going to go back to working from 7:30-16:00 not 6:30-16:00 like i have been doing as I want to start going walking to the gym first thing in the morning and working out then walking home so I get an hour walking and an hour workout and still have 30 minutes to get ready for work. Then I can get into a routine of doing this every day during the work week and get consistent at going to the gym over the winter.

Basically the only way that I am going to heal all of my injuries and prevent new ones is to get serious and work out in the gym consistently and the only way that I will go to the gym is if I do it first thing in the morning before I get caught up at work for the rest of the day so changing my work hours should help me not have the excuse of not enough time! I am also not getting time to go to the track at lunch times at the moment so at least getting a workout in will mean I have done something every day. And doing it before work means I get out of the habit of waking up and turning the laptop on and going into work mode so I will have 2.5 hours to myself before work starts and still be starting 1.5 hours before most people start!

I have also just received a 24″ rim that I forgot that I bought for the Curtis wheel build so I will use this one and keep the Sun Envy one that I have just bought a a spare rim because every time I need usually need to do a wheel build they never have sun Envy rims so I have to use a different rim which I don;t like most of the time. The Halo rim is perfect for training on this year then next year I can either get the hub rebuilt on the Sun Envy or get a new Onyx rear wheel built up so I have a spare Onyx when racing. I will decide over the course of the year! I’m going to tell my Son its my xmas present from him anyway so its all good πŸ™‚ I’m also going to keep the new Sun Envy rims for a future date as I don’t need to build them up now anyway!


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