Feeling rough again this morining :-(

So I went down a 24″ jump bike rabbit hole last night and trying to find out how to change my Manitou Circus Comp 100mm travel DJ forks to 80mm travel which included getting them out of the cupboard at 1am to check πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ This meant that it was gone 1:30 am by the time I went to sleep so waking up at 5am was not an option! In the time between finishing work at 22:30 and going to bed at 01:30 I went on an ebay bender and asked about buying a Curtis MX24 frame (Denied), buying a halo DJD Superdrive hub on ebay (got Β£15 off so it was basically free 🀣) put in an offer on a Black market contraband 24″ rolling chassis (I’m winning at the moment but not sure for how long 🀞🏻) I basically only really want the frame and cranks maybe then I will get all the rest of the parts off of my 26″ DJ bike (DMR) and I then started looking at 80mm travel forks and if I could reduce the travel on my spare forks (I can by the looks of it!).

My idea for now is to build up the Black market contraband 24″Β  if I win it with Β all the parts off of my DMR Sect Jump bike that I can while I get a Halo wide body hub, Halo 24″ cruiser rims and get the rear hub that I bough last night as well build up on the rims with Halo spokes to replace the wheels that come with the Black market contraband 24″ and also replace the forks with my my Manitou Circus Comp forks (Needs a widebody hub as they have 20mm axle!) then ride that while I sell the left over parts from my Jump bike (Wheels, Cranks and frame) along with my Sunday Wave 24″ BMX, my GT Pro Series Cruiser, My OS20 Chase Conversion and my 20″ park bike and a bunch of other MTB and BMX spare parts that I have lying around and then I will be able to afford to by the Curtis MX24 if its still available and hopefully get some hubs to start building the wheels for the Standard OS20 that arrives soon πŸ™‚ If I end up being able to buy the Curtis MX24 I will most likely sell off most of the parts other than the Frame, forks and maybe cranks anyway and then decide if I will ride the Curtis or the Black Market (I used to really like the Curtis before so probably that!) This time if I get the Curtis I will keep hold of it this time as they are getting really hard to come by now so I may never get the chance to buy another one!

I ended up getting really bad sleep and there was literally no chance of getting up at 5am to go to Patchway to rideΒ  πŸ™ I ended up waking up at 7am and getting up and doing my weigh in (lost 0.4kgs so down to 106.6kgs this morning) and then I was feeling so bad that i went back to bed again until about 10am when I got up and did some work I needed to do.Β 

I am now getting my OS20 ready for my friend to borrow and I will then get dressed and go to the track for about 12ish so that he can grab the bike and get is sorted so he can ride at 13:30 when training finishes. I will also take my StayStrong Flat bars to my other friend to make the Renthal bars mine πŸ™‚ I will then had a ride for an hour and then shoot home, get showered and dressed and then head over to my parents to pick them up to go to my nieces birthday!

This morning I also emailed the parks department to find out how we get permission to dig at the dirt jumps in the park in front of my house as if I can get the jumps running well it means that instead of wasting 30-40 minutes driving to the track and back at lunch time I can do 2 full hours of digging and jumping 5 minutes from home! Doing the Jump line for that amount of time 3-4 times a week will really get me comfortable with jumping and deffo improve my fitness as well. I have a feeling that the council may say that they will allow us to dig but will not help with getting dust to make the jumps run well but I could be wrong! I know that after covid the council was trying to get the BMX club to take ownership of the track and all its maintenance as they didn’t want to deal with it soΒ  we will see next week I guess! I have already spoken to a couple of people about it and they were up for helping with getting it back working as it will give them options as well. If that is not the case then I’m sure that the club or one of the companies that donates some of the dust to the club will help us out as its another good training resource for the club!

PXL 20240316 110924777The Chase OS20 is looking a lot better already as it was really dirty as it had been in the container since it was built up so had never been cleaned πŸ™ I have rinsed it off and soaked it in MucOff so in 5 minutes it will be all shinny and new looking again and once it has some oil on the chain it will be ready to lend to my friend!

Once that has been lent out the house will feel massive again!

Tomorrow I am going to get the Sunday Washed photoed and on ebay and start taking the Jump bike apart and get all the parts I am not going to use on the internet to sell ASAP.

Tomorrow I will also get the ebike brakes swapped out for the new hydraulic disk brakes that I bought a couple weeks ago and also find as may things to list and sell on ebay as I can to free up more space and get more cash to try and buy the Curtis MX24 ASAP before someone else snaps it up!

There is a not so nice on for sale in Milton Keynes at the moment too so hopefully I can get one of them at least! Although the Milton Keynes one will need stripping and painting as its tatty AF where as the one from near here is basically new still!

I think if I can sell all the stuff I have lying around “Just in case” I should be able to get enough money to pay for the Curtis and maybe gat a set of hubs for the Standard OS20 build too! Especially if I can sell the Chase OS20 as well πŸ™‚ I have just dropped my Dialled 4X frame another Β£20 to see if that will sell too so🀞🏻 I also found a bunch of 20″ parts that I didn’t remember that I had from converting my Chase to OS20 and some 20″ forks that I had lying around and I remembered I had a few spare sets of 24″ forks so I will offload all of them as well so that I get some money in the bank. I will also take photos of my 20″ park bike as well and get that up for sale too as its just at my parents taking up room. I am also contemplating selling my Full sus mtb as I never use that either and I can’t see me using it now as my wrist is too bad but I will mull that over some more! I should also get my Dirt Bike up together and get rid of that too. I also have a brand new unopened Octane One Zircus frame that I never built up so that needs to go too!

Basically I am keeping:

Curtis 24″ (Race bike)

Curtis 24″ (lent out)

Standard R125 24″ (lent out)

Standard R125 OS20 (not here yet or built up) – will be training bike


Full Sus (May Sell)

29er MTB

Road bike

Then the 24″ Jump bike when I get that sorted too! – To train and ride on pump tracks, jumps and skatepark with.

My idea is to have the Curtis 24″ for racing on, Standard 24″ and OS20 to train on and then use the 24″ jump bike for everything else! My idea is to replace the Standard OS20 with a Curtis Frame at some point and replace the Standard 24″ with the Cruiser with suspension that Gary is looking at building and then further down the line replace the 24″ jump bike and then replace the 29er and road bikes with a Curtis Gravel bike as I only ever ride the mtb on the road anyway πŸ™‚

Having a cull on my bikes and the Dirt bike will mean that hopefully soon I can turn the garage into my gym and get that out of my bedroom as its a bit of a nightmare! this has been put on hold for now as the council are dragging their heels about giving the club permission to put containers at the track so I have a bunch of club bikes in the garage taking space too! I am on holiday soon so I can basically go through the garage and bin or sell anything in there as I haven’t used anything from there apart from the bikes in well over a year so I obviously don’t need it! With the crap all gone and the bikes and motorbike all gone I can then start organising the bikes and gym area ready to start working out in the garage instead of the house! I am looking ant garage bike storage solutions and I will most likely install a moving hook system in there to get the bikes all along one wall by the door and the gym down the other end out of the way! I can also get the bikes locked and anchored to the ground then they are more secure too!

I have holiday booked for the end of April as its the Bath regional that week so I will extend that a bit now while I remember and take the week to go through the garage and get stuff organised! I also need to clean out the shed so that I can get a couple less expensive bikes in there too out of the way!

So I have booked a 1/2 day (morning) on the 23rd of April as I get Tuesday afternoons off for being on call, I will then be off until the 30th April so I will have 6 1/2 days off including the weekend to get the Garage 100% organised! It also gives me just over a month to get rid off all my excess stuff on ebay or the tip!



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