So this morning after my weigh-in (Down 0.1 kgs to 105.5kgs) I got showered and dressed and went into the office and worked until 7am then walked home again ready to start work again at 7:30am. By the time i got home I was on just over 7000 steps. At about 11:30 I had to head back to the office to fix something so I took the bike as it was faster. I was home by just after 12:00 and carried on walking until 16:00.
At 17:00 I looked at my steps and I was only on just over 8400 steps so I got the treadmill setup under my desk and I am now walking and writing this post as well as doing a bit of work and I will soon be watching a film on netflix while I walk!
I am feeling a lot better after the walking this morning so I need to make an effort to at a minimum get my 10000 steps in a day! The walking is also helping with the constipation as well so its a win win 🙂 After just over a week on the Carnivore diet I can say that it is amazing how good I am feeling and how little I want to eat at the moment which I guess is because the meat only diet is pretty calorie dense. I have also noticed that I don’t get the peaks and troughs in energy or the fuzzy head that I used to get when I was on a high sugar/ carb diet! This is especially true after cutting out fizzy drinks as well.
I finished the day on 10729 steps so over my goal of 10000 for the first time in ages 🙂