Chilled morning

WhatsApp Image 2024 08 27 at 07.49.26

This morning I decided to sleep in until 6am as I was a bit tired and my haemorrhoid was playing up still so I decided to not risk making it worse by walking first thing! When I got up I did my weigh-in and I am up 0.1 kgs today to 102.6 kgs but I think I will drop below that when I have a poop but I’m too scared to have one as its hurting a lot and yesterday it was bleeding too after the ride 🙁

Yesterday I got the DMR 26″ jump bike up together and bought a new Sram Level T back brake to go on the Black Market as I am going to steal that one and put it on the DMR today so that it is complete. I have to say that I prefer the look of the bike without a brake but its not practical to ride on the track without a brake so I will stick one on it!

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I am still debating what to do with the jump bike as I’m unsure if I will use it or not. On the one hand I really like the forks on it but it does feel big so I may either get a 26″ Curtis jump bike so it feels more like my Cruiser of take the forks off of the Black Market and sell the DMR and then get a 24″ Curtis jump bike made to fit the Pikes on. Before I do that I am going to ride the DMR for a couple of weeks at lunch times and focus on learning to jump again and see what I feel like after riding it a bit!

At the moment I am leaning on the idea of just breaking down the DMR and putting all the bits except the wheels on the 4x bike and get that running again instead. I will then sell the frame and wheels to get some cash to get Gary to build me a 24″ Cruiser frame that the Pike forks can fit on and still ride like a cruiser. Then I can train on that and race and do gates on my current bike and keep it nice. If I get on with the jump bike then I will get Gary to make me a 26″ Curtis jump bike frame instead 🙂

I have been thinking about the Black Market and if I don’t go the Cruiser with bouncy forks route I will most likely get a set of Identity straight forks for the black market and use it as my pump track bike for now.

I want to spend the next couple months working on my jumping so I will spend that time either riding the DMR 26″ or the BlackMarket 24″ or maybe a combination of the 2! I am thinking of learning jumps on the 26″ then moving to the 24″ with fat tyres then once I am comfortable on the jump I will then go to the Cruiser and send it on that!

My plan for this week is to start with the tabletop and then work to the 3rd on 3rd then the 2nd on 3rd then the 1st on 3rd then the 1st on 1st then the 2nd on 2nd then lastly the 2 biggest jumps which are the 2nd on 1st and the 3rd on 2nd then I should be able to clear most jumps on the track and it will be a case of just sending everything on pump laps to get better at jumping! After watching the kids at the track progress through the jumps I estimate it will take about 3 months to get comfortable with jumping and build up to jumping everything so I am giving myself until the end of the year to get it all done so I have 4 month so get it done.

For this week my goal is to get the tabletop jumped and get comfortable jumping it then next Month (next week) I will set my sites on the 3rd on 3rd before Velo come back and do the 3rd berm and possibly the 3rd jump as well so I want to get it jumped before it goes! I am hoping that when Velo are here in October we are still able to ride the ist straight at least so I may have to move to jumping the 1st and 2nd jumps on the first straight as I think all the other straights will be out of action as the diggers will be on the rest of the track! I may have to do pump tracks while they are there but that would not be a bad thing anyway 🙂

Yesterday I also bought a cheap sled strap so that I can start doing sled push and pulls at the gym to start sorting out my knees in the mornings at the gym from tomorrow. I have also been looking for a backwards treadmill to have at home so that I can do my 10 minutes of backwards walking a day even if I can’t get to the gym and there is on that is down from £500 to £400 that I may get from or I may get a sled tread which is about £700 but is more versatile. I am leaning towards just getting the treadmill as I can do all the sled stuff at the gym so I only need a treadmill at home to make sure that I do my 10 minutes a day of backwards walking!

Also the only fitness equipment that I currently regularly use is my under desk treadmill so I think I will only really use the treadmill part of the sledtread so it doesn’t make sense to pay nearly doubel for the rest of the equipment if I will only use the treadmill. Also the backwards treadmill folds up way smaller so it can be stored out of the way easier!

So at about 14:30 the sled belt arrived and it looks pretty good for the money so I can’t wait to start using it tomorrow morning:

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I have decided that to get used to the Jump bike I will ride it all the time for the next couple of months so I have bought a 330mm Gusset seatpost to go on the bike to make it easier to ride the bike to work and to the gym in the mornings without having to stand up all the time although at the moment it may be a better option to ride standing up as my pile is bleeding a fair bit when I am sat down which is far from ideal 🙁

At 3pm I realised that I was only on 500 steps for the day so I stuck my fitbit in my sock, raised the desk and fired up the treadmill and started walking as I worked to get my step count up and also alleviate my sore bum as walking seems to soothe it a bit compared to sitting or standing 🙂

After just over an hour of walking on the treadmill I am now on 7232 steps for the day.

I chilled until 20:30 then i got back on the treadmill and got the rest of my steps in before bed.

My haemorrhoid is really bleeding now so I will have to make an appointment to go to the doctors and see if I can get it sorted as its not right.

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