Chill family day

So I woke up without an alarm at about 7:30 this morning and then got showered and dress and then woke my son up and after about 30 minutes I got him out of bed and into the shower! Once he had finished we broke down all of the boxes from the cupboard and scattered around the house and put them in the blue recycling bag ready to get recycled on Friday. There is so much more room now 🙂 This week I will use my cleaning 30 minutes each day to find homes for everything and organise the flat more! I need to find somewhere to store my books and a home for my reading lamp as I cant to start reading on the sofa instead of in bed as my back is not liking all the lying down that I am doing!

This week I need to get back in the habit of waking up and walking as last week with the dog and all the rain and snow I didn’t walk on Thursday, Friday, Yesterday or today which is a bit annoying but I’ll get over it! I am going to take this week to get used to Rucking and riding at lunch times and in the evening straight after work then I add weights to the mix on Tuesday 19th March (see I am learning about being more specific about when I will start things 🙂 )

This Tuesday I will work until 12:00 go to the track and ride and then go to my parents and drop off their car and also do some cleaning as my Mum is struggling todo all the cleaning now so I said that I would go once as week and so the heavier stuff like hoovering, mopping and clean the bathrooms to make it easier for her. I am not sure how long the cleaning will take yet but I’m guessing to start with it will be dark before I get done so I will probably end up not riding Tuesday evenings until the clocks go forwards at the end of the month and its lighter in the evenings again!

I have just been updating my training plan to add all of my steps up until yesterday and I have walked 821345 steps so far this year and averaged 13037 steps a day so far! I have missed my 10000 step target on 11 days out of 63 so far or 17.5% of the days but I have averaged 3000 steps a day more than my 10000 goal so its all good 🙂 I am constantly amazed that such a small change in habit has achieved such great results in just 2 months even though if I was just tracking weight I would say it was a failure and given up as I have only dropped 0.5kgs this year my body composition has changed significantly and my fitness has improved way more than I could have imagined that it would! I think once I get in the habit of riding the bike again every lunch time and doing weights in the evenings 4 nights a week the weight will start to fall off really quickly! 

I have been thinking about my idea of riding twice a day Tue-Thur and I think that it will be too much and I will burn out really quickly so I think that this month I will stick to just riding the bike at lunch time and then when the clocks change and its lighter in the evenings I will ride in the evening on Thursday and Friday evenings only as there are no training sessions. I think that Thursday nights is going to be the club gates sessions and Fridays is going to be the unofficial adults gate session and beer drinking shit talking night so they will both be way different from my weekly sessions so will keep things fresh at least 🙂

Also by dropping the nightly drive to the track and back on Tue and Wednesday I can get more of the cleaning and study/blog stuff done as I will most likely get none done on Thursday and Friday and I don’t want the flat to be a shit pit by Saturday and have to spend all weekend cleaning and organising it! I am liking the idea of going to Bristol or a pump track first thing on a Saturday and Sunday and I will start doing that from this weekend (9 and 10th March). I am thinking Stockwood on Saturday Morning early and Pathway Sunday first thing so that I can be done and dusted and home before my son wakes up 🙂 I’ll see how it goes but that is the plan at the moment!


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