Changing up training


So last night I tried to ride the Cruiser again and my shoulder really hurt so I am stopping trying to ride it for now. I am now going to Brazil for a week in August so I need to get back into basketball shape as I will most likely play a fair bit of basketball while I am there and as my last attempt of playing showed I am far from ready to play basketball!

I have 10 weeks until I go to Brazil so I am going to do the NBA POWER Conditioning Program that I bought a while ago to get the stretching exercises out of. This is a 12 week program but by doing this I will at least be 90% of the way to being basketball fit 🙂 I am also going to continue walking in the morning as a warm up before doing my court drills and i am going to slowly add walking on the treadmill while I work into my daily routine as well to get me active and also burn more fat during the day and raise my metabolizm for longer.

The program splits the fitness areas into Agility, Conditioning, Strength, Speed and Flexability and the weekly breakdown is as follows:

Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday
Warm—up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up
Stretching Stretching Stretching Stretching
Upperbody Weights Lowerbody Weights Upperbody Weights Lowerbody Weights
Plyometrics Condidtioning Plyometrics Condidtioning
Agility Cool Down Agility Cool Down
Cool Down Cool Down

I am going to do a modified version of this program so my warm-up will be Walking to the track in the morning and then I will do the specific Agility or conditioning drills either at the track or at the basketball court near my house and then I will do weights at lunch time and then stretching in the evening. I will also walk on my treadmill as much as possible during the day so that I am warm to do weights in my lunch hour although on Mondays when I am in the office I will have to do my weights in the evening as well.

Wednesdays and weekends are rest days so I will walk in the morning as usual and then on Wednesdays when I have my half day I will go to the track and play on my jump bike for some extra exercise and also at the weekends I will walk and play on the bike if I feel like it.

After 4 weeks of this training I hope to be in good enough shape to be able to play basketball as well so I will be going to Trow to do the Hawkes training sessions to start to actually play basketball as well! I am also going to fit in my physio exercises for my shoulder on Mon, Wed and Fridays at some point during the day as well so that hopefully by the time I am playing I can actually lift my arm up high enough to shoot pain free!

For the first 7 weeks conditioning is limited to Striding to build fitness starting off at 4 x 100m a session and then moving onto adding court sprint drills in weeks 8-12 so by week 10 I should be plenty fit enough to play basketball by the time I get to Brazil!

Tomorrow morning early I will pop to the track and see if there is a football pitch that I can use to do my conditioning strides on as a football pitch is basically 105m x 68m so I can use those measurements to work out my distances for striding as I have sessions of 400m, 200m, 100m, 80m and 60m to do.

All the agilty and a lot if the plyometrics drills are basketball court based so I can pop to the court behind my flat on the way home and get them done then the rest of the program can be done at home in my home gym.

I have guessed at 4 weeks until I can participate in team training sessions but hopefully after a couple of weeks of running twice a week I will be in good enough shape to start playing ball in training again! In which case I will get fitter faster and also get a head start in getting my skills back sooner.

On Wednesday’s I may also do some defensive slides on the court on the way home as they are not part of the training and as I play defence more than I play offence I may as well work on them a bit too,


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