Changing Training again!

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Its 17 days into the year and I have done 0 exercise except for Sunday where I walked about 12608 steps setting up for the deep south race at the track. I started at about 6:30 in the morning and went home about 11am as I had to go to my Dad’s 80th meal for 1pm.

Other than that I haven’t done much at all really other than deep cleaning my flat and moving garages so I need to sort myself out and start working out to get back in riding shape!

I have decided that cycling in the morning is too much effort getting ready due to the terrible weather at the moment and I have had to cancel the gym to save money so I have decided that I am going to start walking for an hour or more in the mornings and then try and ride the smart trainer and use the balance board after work instead.

I am still only going to walk Monday-Friday to stop it getting too boring by taking the weekends off and also as I want to start riding pump tracks at the weekend as my shoulder is slightly better but not BMX racing better!

Weekends are also hard to get a workout in as my son stays at mine at weekends and he sleeps in the lounge so I can’t do anything until he wakes up which is usually around midday so that means that I am usually in the middle of something else by then so don’t want to stop and exercise! Also by only working out 5 days a week it will make it much easier to build the routine into a habit so that I can build it into my daily routine and keep it up consistently as I need to get more consistent with my workouts to get more healthy and get lasting results!

I have also been looking for a PC to use to run the smart trainer and I finally bought one yesterday which should arrive tomorrow. I have also bought a internal wifi and bluetooth kit for the PC which will arrive on at the earliest Thursday so I am hopeful that I will be able to use it by next Monday!

I may bring my rollers into the lounge tonight so that I can at least train on the bike while watching TV after work for the rest of the week! This will at least get me active and also start building the habit of working out while watching TV as I have been lying in bed watching TV for the past week or so which is not healthy and is a terrible habit to get back into!

Today at lunch I tidied, swept and mopped my flat so it is now in a state that I can concentrate on working out and not feel like I should be cleaning instead! I now have no excuses apart from being lazy now 🙂 The gym are looks good and is ready to use!

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I am going to start walking from tomorrow morning and get that habit forming again ASAP.

Apart from my fitness goals I have been doing well with my other goals I have been keeping the flat pretty tidy even though I have had a crazy busy couple of weeks. I have also been getting stressed when things are messy which is another good sign!

Takeaway and fizzy drinks wise I have only had 2 takeouts and one can of fizzy drink this year and also 2 Deliveroo shopping deliveries as well so much better than last year but it can still get better and have none going forwards which is my goal! But I have saved a lot of money the past couple of weeks and cleared out most of the cupboards and freezer as well!

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