Changing plans

I woke up this morning and my back was really sore so I decided to not walk this morning and go back to sleep instead to see if it got any better. It didn’t get better but I did feel more rested so I will take it!

As my back isn’t where I hoped that it would be by now so I have decided to leave my skateboard and skate shoes at home as I am not going to be able to skate while I am there unfortunately.

This means that my cases are lighter and have more room in them which is good 🙂

I will now just walk and get my 12500 steps a day while I am away to see how that works getting my weight down and sort out my back with just walking! If my back feels better while I am there I can always buy a skateboard there to use and then give it away when I go home as there is always someone who needs a new board as they can’t afford one!

Making the 12500 steps should be pretty easy in Brazil as I am staying in a top floor flat so we have 4 flights of stairs to walk up and down to get there so that will help a lot!

There are also some really nice walks up a mountain that I can do so that will be good for the weight loss for sure. The weather is also looking a lot better than it is here so thats another winner!

I am not sure if I will be able to get my 12500 steps done today as I have to wait for a couple of important deliveries so I can’t leave the house until they arrive so, my day is dependent on when the deliveries arrive! One of the parcels is scheduled for delivery between 4-5pm so my day is pretty much up in the air until that arrives 🙁

I also have a lot of organising and cleaning to do this evening after work so walking is pretty low down on my priorities today!



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