Changing Intermittent fasting window

I have been researching intermittent fasting and when you should start eating and I have found that intermittent fasting is more effective if you start eating with your largest meal 2-3 hours after you wake up as your body will naturally burn off the calories more efficiently during the day. This means that your body will naturally be in a state of caloric deficit by the evening as all of the calories taken in will have been burnt off by the time you go to sleep.

My current 16:8 fasting window is from 12-20:00 which is annoying as I want to work out at 12-14:00 so I usually tend to wait to eat after working out so I am hungry, weak and usually a bit dizzy when I am riding which is not great. I also tend to overeat when I get home as I am starving!

By changing my eating window from 8-16:00 it means that I can have my largest meal at 8am which is a couple hours after I get back from my morning walk which is when I tend to get hungry naturally but it also means that my muscles will be fully fuelled when I workout at lunch time so hopefully I will feel better and will be less lazy, tired and dizzy going forwards. Also by stopping eating at 4pm it will mean that I have 5 hours of burning energy before I go to bed so I should definitely be in a calorie deficit when I go to bed!

It also means that I am asleep for a large portion of my fasting window and I usually eat at about 4pm anyway as I go to the track at about 6pm Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays so it will not be hard to eat then either 🙂

I will try the new window over the weekend and Mon, Tues and Wed next week then I am on holiday so I will not have a strict schedule while I am away and will start again when I get back on the 11th August.

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