Caved again tonight

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I caved again tonight and bought takeout and had a can of fizzy drink. The good news is that I didn’t really enjoy any of it so hopefully I will remember that next time I fancy some chips! I got cheesy chips and chicken bites and a can of cherry coke and I only managed to get through half of the chips so I di t think that it will be too much of a problem!

Although I was bad with food and wasting money today I was really good with my steps today making just under 12000 steps for the day. I also got a lot done around the house as well.

I finally got around to clearing out the coat cupboard and taking up the carpet and I was surprised to find that there was a tile floor underneath. I also found out that there was also a puddle which wasn’t such a nice surprise ☹️

I have mopped and cleaned the floor and I am drying the room out before painting it and putting down some waterproof membrane and then putting down gym flooring as it can easily be pulled up and washed it it start to get wet and mouldy.

I also sorted out the shelves in the garage and made space for the shelves from the coat cupboard and moved all of my bike parts bins out into the garage too. Tomorrow at lunch time I need to sort out the garage some more and take the rest of the stuff from the coat cupboard out into the garage. I also need to sort out the chest of draws and take the draws which are currently in my lounge out into the garage.

At the weekend I need to de-mould and paint most of the hall cupboard with mould resistant paint as it’s pretty bad in there. I may have to borrow an electric heater from my parent to fully dry the room out before painting though.

Even though I have only been going to the office for 3 days in a row I am feeling much better from all of the walking as well as getting much more done at work so I am way more relaxed. I am going to keep this routine of starting early and working in the office until lunch time and then having a longer lunch and working from home in the afternoon. I am thinking that I will start going to the gym at lunch time before walking home every day to try and lose weight faster and also get stronger ready to start riding at the track when the weather gets better in a few months.

As I have 2 hour lunch breaks when I start earlier that leaves plenty of time to leave the office, do an hour at the gym and then walk home and eat before starting work again for 2pm. The walk home will also work as a cool down to help stop doms after training as well.

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