Bought under desk treadmill

This morning I bit the bullet and bought an under desk treadmill so that I can start walking while working as soon as I can. The treadmill should be here by Wednesday or Thursday so I do a test day on Friday to see how it is and how long I will be able to walk at the moment to set goals to get to walking for the entire 8 hour shift plus the 2 hour learning/ project time a day. Depending on how hard it is I may just walk for the 2 hours in the morning to start with and build up to adding the work day afterwards.

As the clocks went forward last night I should now have more time in the afternoon after work to start riding the BMX track as well 😁

So my day could well be 2 hours of study/ projects walking on the treadmill before work. Weights at lunch time and then the BMX track in the afternoon then as the weeks go on I can add walking during the day as well to increase my walking slowly.

By starting walking while watching training videos as working on pet projects I can get used to walking and working without impacting my normal day to day work. Then when I am used to it I can slowly start adding more walking during the day as well to build up to walking all day.

I am in no hurry to get to walking 100% of the time so I can slowly build up by adding 30 minutes in the morning when I have meetings and 30 minutes in the afternoon and then build from there and before I know it I will be walking all day hopefully.

I am also going to start to build up the time that I am standing and working too when I am not walking to try and reduce the amount of time that I am sitting to a little time as possible to become more healthy as sitting is really not good for you.

I am hoping that walking while working will become another lifestyle change that will make it easy to drop to a healthy weight and keep the weight off with very little effort like changing to intermittent fasting as been. Walking in a fasted state should really help to burn fat too as the body will have depleted its carbohydrate stores so it will have to breakdown fat to fuel the walking.

Although the walking is low speed and low intensity it apparently burns an extra 100/150 calories per hour so over time this will result in a lot of weight loss as shown my the cases on the internet where people have lost over 40kgs in just over 6 months of walking while working.
Adding riding on the BMX track for an hour or so in the evening will mean that I will be burning another 500+ calories a day that I have not been doing. I am planning to start going to the track from tomorrow afternoon and I will drag my son along for a play too as he is staying with me at the moment.



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