Bought a Cronox 3.0 Wireless timing system!

Bought a Cronox 3.0 Wireless timing system!

This morning I was thinking about my training and about how at the moment I am blindly doing sprints not really knowing if I am getting faster or slower over the training session (guessing its slower as I am struggling on the last few sprints!) and I was thinking about the best way of measuring my performance gains and thinking about getting a new speed and cadence sensor to measure metrics. I then started to look on YouTube and see what the pro’s use and all of them have timing systems to measure their performance which makes sense as ultimately if you are getting better you will be faster.

I then started to look at the systems that the pro’s were using and they were out of the question at the moment as they were about £2000 or more!! I then found the Cronox web page and their systems are much more reasonable with the wired 2.0 system selling at about £250 on Amazon, and the wireless 3.0 system selling at £480 on Amazon. As the 2.0 is limited to 50m between gates and uses cable I decided that it will not fit my needs as it is not portable and I also do 100m sprints regularly, it would also not be suitable to use at the track when I started doing full laps later in my training so only the 3.0 would fit my needs.

This then got me to thinking as  I was toying with the idea of getting a new Yess frame to train on over the winter I decided that buying a timing system for the same price made more sense for my long term goal of getting faster to go to the Worlds and not get totally shown up so it was a no brainer to get the timing system instead!!!

The system is arriving tomorrow so I will have it in time to do sprints on Tuesday night to test the system out. I have already installed the app on my phone and created my user so Tuesday night we can create users for My friend and his daughter  and start recording our efforts over the winter!

Cronox 3.0

The Cronox 3.0 Wireless timing system has the following specifications:

Cronox 3.0, taking times has never been that easy. The evolution of the previous timing gates systems make this one, the top Cronox Sport system

Long distance ratio between start and finsih line. AA batteries compatible with 50 hours of autonomy.

Get better at your sport with this timing system for speed sports. High accuracy, up to 1/1000 seconds and a very easy set up.

Supported with iOS and Android and its new app realeases, which improves the coach and athlete training experience.


  • Wireless, 1km (0.6 miles) separation between start and finish in open areas.
  • Easy set up, no more than a minute to connect.
  • 3 meters (10ft)  separation between photocells.
  • Bluetooth connexion.
  • Free app for smartphone iOS and Android.
  • Weight around 1kg (2.2lb).


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