Bike day

This morning I woke up at 5 as normal then I checked on my Mac that I was copying data off of which had been running all night and only copied 16gb so I went to my work and grabbed a couple of spare switches and then I went to the track for about 7am. I was meeting a friend about 8.30 to show him how to set up the gate so that he could run the training today.

I took my jump bike which was ok but it’s too big for me really so I don’t enjoy riding it as much as riding the BMX. I am deffo putting this frame, wheels and cranks on the internet to sell tomorrow.

I did a bit of jumping and manuals and then it got windier so I did some track maintenance and then rode a bit more.

After showing my friend how to set up the gate I headed home and watched the first national of the year at the indoor on YouTube. At about 12:30 I put the Curtis into the car and drove to the track as we had arranged to do some gates after he finished the training. As I was driving up it started to hail really heavily but I went up anyway. The hail stopped after I had been at the track for about 15 minutes so I got my clipless shoes on and kitted up and we did a load of gates! The first few gates I wasn’t really fully committed when I was snapping so I decided to try using the lights and my gates were instantly transformed 😁 we did a bunch more gates and I was feeling good then my wrist made a rally load crack that my friends heard and they were riding behind me so it must have been loads! It hurt so I decided to call it a day and did some coaching with them instead.

As we were finishing up some more friends arrived so I stayed around with them then packed up the gate and closed up the container and headed home.

When I got home I made some food and ate then I stripped down the Black Market frame ready to strip the paint tomorrow when the paint stripper spray arrives.


Once that was done I went back to bed and watched the finals from the morning session and the afternoon session as well.

I didn’t specifically do any walking today but I am currently on just under 9500 steps so that’s close enough to 10000 steps for me.

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