Beast Training Day 6 – 29/11/2023

So I woke up and did my weigh in as normal and was surprised to see that I was back up to 108.4kgs! I then walked about the house a bit getting ready to go walking and my stomach felt weird and I had explosive diarrhoea and I’m now back to 107.9kgs so 0.1 heavier than yesterday 🙁

I decided that it was best to not walk this morning and see how my stomach felt at lunchtime instead! I have to get out and walk today as I am almost 5000 steps down on my 10000 steps a day now due to not being able to get all my steps done yesterday again!

IMG D02FC38E77C0 1 1Got dressed at lunch time as my stomach was much better then it was this morning so I went for a walk along the 2 tunnels, I was going to do a right at the top of the park and walk to the track but I was feeling a bit lazy still so I did a left and walked along Bear Flats and then down into town and then went along the river home.

I walked for 1 hour 4 minutes and covered 3.79 miles and 7808 steps so I am now on 8214 steps for the day so far.

I am going to head out again before my on call shift starts so that I can get over 10000 steps for the day and hopefully make up some of the missed steps from Monday and Tuesday!

At the moment I am 1034 steps under the 10000 step average so I should be able to make the steps back today!

I went out but I only did a short walk as the 2-tunnels was packed so I jumped off part way and walked home on Mornland road and back home.

IMG EE3F9A94149A 1I only got 18:34 minutes walking in and did 2192 steps and 1.09 miles so enough to get to 10668 steps for the day so enough to claw half of the 1000 steps I need to make up at least 🙂

I will try and get up early and do a long walk before work and then get another walk in the afternoon although I have to go to my parents to drop some bikes off in the afternoon so I may move my walk until the evening instead!

I ended the day with 11182 steps so I have clawed back a bunch of steps that I missed earlier in the week!

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