Beast Training day 24 – 18/12/2023

So I woke up at 5am and got up and did my weigh-in and I was surprised to see that I was back up to 107.5 kgs (+1kg!) this morning. I guess that that shows that the McDonalds that I had yesterday at 8pm was a bad idea and doing 100% of my 12500 steps on the treadmill after 4pm is not good even when I din’t eat until 4pm!

I need to make an effort a the weekend to keep o my 5am walks in the morning even if I go back to bed afterwards just to keep the weight loss going! I also need ot make an effort to not eat crap at weekends too!

I then walked to the office as Monday is my morning in the office. I was amazed how much less pain I feel in my legs at the moemnt and the BMX has made walking feel really easy now 🙂 SO I may be heavier but I am definitely getting fitter 🙂 When i got to the office I was on 3700 steps so thats a fair chunk of steps done already and its only 6am 🙂

At lunch time I walked back home along the river which was nice but a bit wet and cold but it was better than walking in the dark like the walk in was 🙂 By the time I got home I was on about 9500 steps so I chilled out for a bit which turned into watching crap films until 8pm when I got on the treadmill to get my last 12500 steps in!

I can really feel the difference in walking outside and on the treadmill so I need to make sure that I walk outside every day from now on to get the full benefit of the walking!

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