Back to BMX Training day 44 – 13/02/2024

Woke up this morning feeling really tired and achy as I had a long day yesterday. I decided to go back to sleep until 7am but then couldn’t get back to sleep so I chilled on my phone for a bit and then got up and did my weigh-in where I found that I was back up to 106.2kgs 🙁

I then went back to bed for a bit and watched some youtube videos until I started work at 7am!

While in Bed I decided that the 12500 steps a day doesn’t seem to be working for me and I am starting to get in the habit of lying in bed watching TV again so I have decided to try and do 20000 steps a day and see if I can get under the 106kgs and stay there this time! I think that walking more will definitely help get me out of this slump and I think by getting in the habit of walking in the morning every day and  walking while watching TV at night it should make walking 20000 steps a day easily attainable! I really think that setting a high goal of 200000 steps a day will mean that I am more consistent with my walking in the morning as if I don’t get the morning 8000-10000 steps in it makes walking 20000 steps a day really difficult! For now I am just going to do 20000 steps a day during the week and not count steps at weekends to try and recover more for the weeks training and to stop making walking a chore! Also I am with my son at the weekends so I don’t want to make the weekends super boring for him! Also 5x 20000 is still more than walking 12500 steps every day so it should be fine. I want to ride the bike more at the weekends too so I may just swap walking for riding and do less road riding during the week to concentrate more on BMX specific training and learning BMX skills instead! In April we will be running weekly Thursday training sessions and the nights get lighter so I can ride in the evenings as well so I can use lunch times for sprints or road rides depending on the day! And do skills or ride the track after work instead!

I have been talking to my son about him starting to learn a sport so we are planning to start teaching him how to play basketball so we will be doing that so I shouldn’t need to walk as much 😉

At work yesterday I got a lot of comments about how I had lost weight so I think that the consistent walking this year combined with the cycling this last week or so is starting to pay off and makes me feel better about my lack of weight loss at the moment! I must be losing fat but gaining muscle so lack of weight loss is OK.

I am not sure if the new tube will arrive today before it gets dark so I am planning to walk a bike to the track and do some sprints to test out my wrist then walk back and see how it goes then later on walk on the treadmill to get 20000 steps in to see how hard it is to do and how long it takes!

I can then get the bike fixed to ride tomorrow lunch time or on Thursday and Friday as I am on holiday both days so I can get some longer rides in!

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