Back to BMX Training day 29 – 29/01/2024

S0 after the weekend in bed feeling rough as I was going cold Turkey on fizzy drinks and it hit me hard! I woke up at 4:00 without an alarm and chilled in bed until 4:30 then got up did my weigh-in and I was surprised to see that I was down to 106.3kgs this morning which I was not expecting! I guess cutting out the fizzy drinks also cut out a bunch of calories too 🙂 I then did some work for my client in Brazil and then I did a bit of work for my work as well from about 5:30-6:30 ish then get showered and dressed and walked into the office! I then worked in the office until about 11:30 then walked home.

When I got home I was feeling bad so I went to bed and set an alarm for 4pm as I am on call tonight! When i woke up to start work I was on just over 9000 steps and by the time I had done my 30 minutes cleaning and cooked tea I was on 9896 steps for the day!

I have to go to an agm for the BMX Club so i am not sure that I will be able to get my steps in again today 🙁 At the weekend I only got 2128 steps in on Saturday and 1467 steps in on Sunday so I am already down 20405 steps so I will have to try and make up the steps during the next week or so! 🙁 It looks like I will have to do 20000 steps in for the next week or so to get the deficit back again which is a lot of walking 🙁

So by the time I got back from the meeting it was gone 22:00 and I was super tired so I finished off some work and went to bed! I finished the day on 10717 so nowhere near as many steps as I planned, but more than 10000 steps so all good.

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