Back to BMX Training day 25 – 25/01/2024

So this morning I was meant to go to the office early and do some bits and pieces but I couldn’t wake up a 5am and went back to sleep until 6:30 when I got up did my weigh-in (107.6kgs) and started work!

I will have to go into the office later to do the bits so I will go after lunch so at least I will get some extra steps in before I finish work and they will be outside steps too which is even better 🙂

My habit building is starting to yeald results as I am starting to feel fitter and stronger every day at the moment! I am definitely in the habit of walking 15000 steps a day now and I am also pretty used to doing sprints 3 x a week although i haven’t been able to get into the routine of doing 60m, 30m and 15m sprints as my sprint spot is under construction due to the new start hill being put in so I will start doing sprints at the spot near my office from Monday! I will walk there in the morning early and drop off my sprint box, splats and spare shoes into the office and the mark out my sprint track and then go home!

At the moment my more or less automatic habits are:

  • Make Bed when get up
  • Walk 15000 Steps
  • Do sprints 3 x a week
  • Do 30 minutes housework after work (only been doing 3 days but loving the impact it is having on the mess in the flat)

Habits I have lost this year so far that need to be made automatic again:

  • Get up and walk at 5am
  • Do sprints at 5am on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
  • Ride the road bike at least 3x a week
  • Do learning/ blogging for 2 hours every week night

Once these habits are automatic I plan to add:

  • Stretch every night
  • Do weights 3 x a week
  • Practice BMX Flat Skills at least 3x a week

O am going to start all of the lost habits next week and will give it 4 weeks to get used to them then I will add the stretching and weights to the mix after the 4 weeks are done and the other habits are ingrained in my weekly routine 🙂

Then all I have to focus on is being consistent over the rest of the year and I should reach my ideal weight and be way fitter/ better at BMX too!

Basically by working on my 5am morning routine again over the next few weeks that opens up my lunch times to work on BMX flat and Track Skills for an hour or so at lunch time 3 x a week Leaving Wed, Friday Sunday morning to do road bike ride. I will also try and ride the BMX on the track or pump track on both days at the weekend where there is time.

I am really surprised but the habit with the most immediate impact so far has been the 30 minutes of housework a day! In just 3 days my flat has gone from a hoarders flat where literally all of my plates and cutlery were either dirty or in the washing up racks drying to a kitchen with 3 or 4 items drying and more or less clean surfaces and the rest of the flat being untidy but not a total mess like it was earlier in the week! After today’s 30 minutes I expect the flat or at least the lounge to be looking like a normal person’s flat  and I can’t wait 🙂

By the end of the day I had completed 15119 steps although my fitbit went a bit weird and stayed on 14989 steps for a long time so it may have hung for a bit 🙁

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