Back to BMX Training day 24 – 24/01/2024

So this morning I woke up at 5am but had to work so wasn’t able to go for a walk as I had to keep checking my computer so I chilled in bed and read and watched youtube a bit as well! I really need to get back in the habit of getting up and going for a walk first thing as I do not feel anywhere near as good walking on the treadmill as I do walking outside! When I got up and did my weigh-in I was shocked to find that I am up 0.7kgs to 107.7kgs this morning 🙁 I am hoping that the majority of the weight is muscle from riding today but we will see 🙁

I am looking thinner and feeling more muscular and less fat so it may well be working!

This morning I have been looking into the effect of only doing 1892 steps on Sunday due to be ill has done to my average step count for the year and I am still above 12500 steps a day (12938) s0 I am not going to up my step count to make the missed steps back! As long as I am above 12500 steps a day then I’m happy with that.

Since xmas I have been getting really slack with my eating as I haven’t been shopping properly so I need to sort that out and stop getting takeout and also stop drinking fizzy drinks again! I have really got back into the habit of drinking fizzy drinks again which is not good! My stomach is starting to get upset again so I think that it is definitely time to stop ALL fizzy drinks apart from fizzy water again! I am going to do a big shop online today and then I can get back into the habit of cooking at home and eating better again!

Speaking of habits, I am really enjoying the 30 minute cleaning habit that I have started in the evening after work! I have been doing it for 2 days and with very little effort my kitchen with its usual mountain of washing up is empty and last night I only had to wash up a few glasses and plates so the washing up took maybe 5 minutes and gave me 25 minutes tidying the flat instead 🙂 I took that time and went through my coats and hoodies and I put the ones that I am going to keep back in the now dried out coat cupboard and I also took my BMX parts boxes and tool boxes and put them back in the Coat cupboard as well! Tonight along with the washing up I plan to sort out the lounge fully and sweep and mop it so that I have a tidy living space again! I may also take all my unwanted coats to the xharity container at the top of the road to get some outside steps in as well 🙂

My Shopping will be here tomorrow evening so until then I have a bunch of stuff still in the fridge to eat up. Once the shopping arrives I plan to eat the following every day:

Breakfast (around 11am) – 3 egg omlette with cottage cheese and bacon

Main Meals – Salad with chicken and bacon and Olive oil and Balsamic vinegar dressing.

I will also have rice pudding and apples as snacks. The salad will be big enough for 2 meals.

So at lunch time I went to the track and did a bit of riding on the 3rd straight again and there was also a visit from the major and I helped load the barriers that we hired for the weekend onto the lorry as well so a busy lunch break today 🙂

When I got back I setup the treadmill and walked until the end of my shift at 4pm which got me to just over 10000 steps then I did my cleaning 30 minutes after I finished work and put all the washing away and put the towels in the wash, did the washing up (about 5 things now 🙂 ) and I organised all the coats that had accumulated in the lounge and put all the shoes spread around the  flat back into the shoe racks in the coat cupboard. I then watched some tv and ate and then I got back onto the tradmill at about 8pm and did the rest of my steps which seemed to take forever tonight 🙁 I finally got them done about 9:15! I then did some more bits and pieces, got the bike out of the car and did a bit more tidying then I went to bed.

I finished the day on

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