Back to BMX Training day 22 – 22/01/2024

I was feeling really bad still so I went back to sleep until 7:30 then got up and started work! I did my weigh-in and I was 107.3kgs so the same weight as I was on Sunday! So no weight lost but none gained either 🙂 I then started work and it was non-stop all day 🙁

When I finished work at 4pm I was on 598 steps which is really low! I then got on the treadmill from 3-4pm and then again at 6-7pm and I am currently on 10572 steps and I will finish off my 15000 steps at 8pm once I finish off my cleaning 30 minutes.

My cleaning 30 minutes hasn’t made a very big dent in my flats untidiness but its is making a dent none the less! I have done the washing up and put the dry clean plates and cutlery from the weekend away so slowly it will get better! I have also swept the floor in the front hall and half of the lounge and put down the new floor mats down so these will hopefully stop us tracking in all the mud, dirt and leaves from outside to the insdie of the house as my front and back doors open up into gardens so most of the outside comes inside at some point 🙁

Tomorrow I am going to tackle going through my coats and getting rid if a load and then putting the coats back into the coat cupboard then I can move all my BMX part boxes and tool kits into the coat cupboard while I attack the hall cupboard and get ruthless with all the crap that I have in there! I am hoping to clear enough space in the hall cupboard to move all the parts boxes at least out of the coat cupboard into the hall cupboard to make the coat cupboard more useable going forwards. That will take all of my 30 minutes cleaning time tomorrow afternoon so Wednesday I will attack the now partially clear lounge and probably sweep and mop through the house then its onto my bedroom on Thursday etc etc!

My Diary arrived today so I am just transferring this years training so far into it and adding this weeks training ready to start tomorrow again with sprints. I have decided that I am going to do 2 x 15m and 1 x 30m sprints while the track work is going on so that I can fit them in without having to roll onto the track at all. The shorter sprints will also help build up my speed to the first jump which is a bit lacking at the moment! I snap really well then after the 2nd or 3rd pedal people start to catch me up! I am going to go back to a 37×16 gearing for now and work on building up my leg strength so that by the time the season starts I will be snapping like I am on the 36×16 at the moment.

I will change the gearing in a bit so that the Curtis is ready to go tomorrow for sprints. I am thinking that I may go back to a 24×175 on the back as well later on to see if that is better as well but I will wait until we have the gate and timing system installed then I can see if the changes make a difference or not to the times. For now I will just up the gearing to 37×16 which is the gearing that I always used to ride!

I may also try out a 41×18 as I had my best results at Nationals on a 41×18 when I raced at Peckham so it may be worth changing to that later on. I have a 37t chain ring so I will stick with that for now.

So with a 24×1.60 Tioga powerBlock the ratios are:

Screenshot 2024 01 22 at 20.11.37

With a 24×1.75 Tiga PowerBlock the ratios are:

Screenshot 2024 01 22 at 20.13.29

There is a lot to play with but for now I will swap to 37×16 and leave it there for now! The ideal situation os to be able to move to a higher gearing and also a larger front and rear socket as apparently they are better to get moving than the smaller sprockets so we will see! At the moment I have a 16t Onyx sprocket on the back so I am going to stay on 37×18 for the time being and then get a 24×1.75 tyre for the rear next pay day to do some over training then if I move to 41×18 for the season I will basically be dropping from a roll out of 55.54 to 54.7 on the 41×18 so I should be able to spin that pretty well as it will feel lighter than the 37×16 with the 24×1.75 tyre on the back.

I have just put on the 37×16 and the chain seems to line up better than the 36×16 did so thats better already 🙂

PXL 20240122 205229332

It took me until 21:36 to get to 15000 steps so I then stopped and did some more chores and got ready for bed! By the end of the day I was on 15205 steps for the day.

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