Back to BMX Training Day 2 – 02/01/2024 – Active Rest Day!


So this morning I woke up and I was a lot sorer than I thought that I would be from doing 6 x 60m sprints yesterday! I have decided that my body must be way more far gone than I thought that it was so I need to dial back the training a bit more to allow for me to fully rest up between training. I keep forgetting that I am 50 and fat not 20 and skinny when I build training plans!

To let my body get used to the extra work load I am going to Have Tuesday and Thursday’s as full rest days where I only walk my daily 12500 steps and do nothing else! That way I can fully recover from the day before’s training and be fresh to start training the next day! I think that it will take me 2 weeks to get used to the extra load from the sprints so I will have full rest days for the next 2 weeks provisionally then add the skills sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays after that! Then in another 2 weeks I will add the weight training. If 2 weeks isn’t enough then I will wait until the end of the month to add the skills sessions and then see when I can add weights to the mix after that! I am trying to build this program up so that I can be consistent and carry it on for the full year so building up slowly makes sense to me. Thinking about it I think that I will only add skills days in February and then Weighs either in the middle of February or March depending on how quickly my body adjusts to the extra training then if I am feeling better after 2 weeks I can re-adjust then and play it by ear!

I have now adjusted the Training plan for January to have rest days on Tuesdays and Thursdays for now. I will actually start doing skills on Tuesday 30th January 2024 as that is week 5 of my training plan so I will have 4 weeks with Tuesdays and Thursdays as my rest days and then add Skills in on week 5-8 then add weights in on Mon, Wed and Thursdays from week 8 onwards! I think 4 weeks is plenty of time for my body to adjust each time so it should be fine! Looking at the dates I will not be able to do my pump and full speed laps day on Wednesdays as the track will be closed for maintenance anyway so I will most likely swap all 3 of my track days during the week for pump track sessions anyway so they will be way less heavy than the Wednesday sessions anyway! Again I will have to play it by ear as I am not sure of the impact of the track work yet!

When I woke up this morning (woke up without an alarm about 7:15 so had a lie in 🙂 ) I did my weigh-in and I am back up to 107.1kgs so I have added wait already this year! I wasn’t surprised at the weight gain as I ate a lot yesterday as we had a massive roast and I ate a lot! I ate so much that that was all I ate yesterday! I also had a few beers and some presecco as well! Added to that my shoulders, arms, stomach and legs are really sore from sprints so I am deffo putting on muscle from that!

Yesterday I also took my jump bike to my parents house and picked up the GT PowerSeries 24″ so that I can swap the break out when it arrives and also go through it to make sure that it is ready for sprints when I start them in the mornings next week! The flat is looking a lot bigger now that I only have the Curtis in it so thats a bonus :- ) I also picked up my measuring wheel and some line paint from the container at the track so one morning this week I can walk to my sprint spot and measure out and mark a start line and 15m, 30m and 60m marks to make setting up faster and easier 🙂

Once the stool arrives that I will use for sprints arrives I will take it and my splats (flat cones) to the office and leave them there ready to start next Monday. I am on holiday still next Monday so I can use it as a practice run to get the timings in without having to stay go into the office to work afterwards! Its also my birthday on Monday so I want to get my training for the day out of the way early so that I am free to do whatever on Monday!

At about 9am I got dresses and walked to the bank and paid in the money from the Road Bike I sold before xmas as I had a bunch of bills come out this morning so my bank was looking really bad 🙁

By the time I got home I was on 7387 steps and ringing wet as it was raining really heavily all the time I was working 🙁 I really, really hate winter!!!

S0 after about 45 minutes on the treadmill doing some work that I had to do I was well over 12500 steps for the dat so I stopped and went to bed 🙂 At the end of the day I was on 13969 steps!





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