Back to BMX Training day 6 – 06/01/2023

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So I woke up without an alarm at 6:30 am this morning and did my weigh-in and I was surprised to see that I am back up to 107.2kgs this morning ☹️

I was also dreaming of walking so I deffo need to walk this morning to get back in my routine to start properly this coming week!

The back is better but not good enough to start back in the bike so I will have to write off this week and start a fresh on Monday I guess!

I went out for a short walk this morning and did my usual 2 Tunnels route to the gate in the park and back. I decided against walking to the track today as I didn’t want to overdo it the first day back! I am feeling a lot better for walking and went straight to the Garage and broke down the cupboard in there that was supposed to have been broken down this time last year but never was! It is now broken down and by the door ready to take to the tip. I have booked another appointment at the tip at 9:45-10:00 tomorrow morning to get rid of it all.

Today I am going to grab some old bikes from the track and put them in the garage then fill up the car ready for the tip in the morning then I can wash my DH and 29er mtb’s and then stick them back in the garage ready to use as they are both really dirty and need a good clean!

I also need to start organising my flat as it is looking more and more like a hoarder’s house every day at the moment 🙁 And its really getting me annoyed! Everywhere I move there is crap in the way its really frustrating to be honest! By the time I start work on Wednesday I hope to have my flat all clean, tidy and organised so that I can start work with a clear head and an uncluttered working environment!

After sorting the garage I was on 5460 steps so a good start to the day!

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After I had spent about an hour doing some work that I had to do on one of my customers servers I got around to fitting the new 24×1.60 Tioga Power block on the GT Pro Series. I decided last night that I would put the new tyre straight on the GT Pro Series 24 as the tyre on the Curtis is basically brand new still so its not worth the effort to take 2 bikes apart to put the new tyre on it! I also moved the 24×1.75 Power Block onto the front wheel so the bike looks normal without the massive 24×2.10 tyre on the front!

The bike is all ready to do sprints on Monday morning now. Other than changing the bars and probably the cranks at some point the GT ProSeries build is now pretty much completed.

I really like this bike even though it is heavy due to the 14mm axles and I really enjoy training on it as it brings back memories of riding one when I first got back into BMX racing in 2014 or 2015 when I started up again as I had one as my first race cruiser and then when I replaced it with a Redline I used it to ride to work on and do sprints for another 6-8 months before I sold it! Also with the bike being heavier it makes it a good training bike as your race bike automatically feels lighter snd faster than the GT 🙂 So riding the GT is essentially doing weight training as while doing sprints 🙂

By the time that I got back from the track and unloaded the old bikes and packed the car with the stuff to take to the tip tomorrow I was on 7852 steps for the day which is pretty good for seeing as it was 2pm!

I need to get some shopping later on so I will walk to the shops later which should get me to my 12500 steps without the need to walk on the treadmill!

I have just been working out how many steps I have missed over the last 2 days when I have had a bad back and I was 11478 steps short on Thursday and 9202 steps short on Friday so I am 20680 steps short for the week so far! I will try and make up as many steps as I can today, tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday so that I can be caught up before I start work on Wednesday again as I am off work so I will have way more free time to do all the extra walking needed!

I am going to eat and chill for a bit now and then I will walk up to the Charity clothes and shoe bin at the top of my road and get rid of all my unwanted shoes and then I will take the very long way to the supermarket to get my shopping and then walk home then hopefully I will be well over my step quota for the day and making up all the missed steps as well!

I plan to get up early tomorrow morning and go for a really long walk before I have to go to the tip and then the BMX track for the maintenance day! I think I should be able to claw back a bunch of steps tomorrow as I will be doing a lot of walking so fingers crossed I can get a lot of steps made up over the weekend!

I had to work when i had planned to go out and walk so I walked on the treadmill while working and I ended up doing 15460 steps by the end of the day so made back almost 3000 steps (2960) Steps from earlier in the week when I couldn’t walk already 🙂

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