Back on the bike

After I finished work at 12:00 I went to the track and met up with my friend and did some gates on the Black Market to make sure that I didn’t go too stupid and really mess up my back.

After about 5 or 6 gates my back was getting stiff so I called it a day and helped put the gate away and put the stuff back into the container and then headed over to my parents house. I then swept, hovered then mopped their kitchen/ dining room then emptied put my old car ready to sell it and then my back was totally done so I chilled for a bit and then took the dog for a walk and then chilled until about 8pm when I headed home.

My back was really sore again after all the excretion today and in hind sight I shouldn’t have really been doing gates yet!  I decided that I would hold off on going to the gym until next week and I have booked an induction on Monday lunch time then I can start going properly on Wednesday morning.

I got a respectable 11174 steps in for the day but still a fair way from my 15000 goal!


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