Back is getting better

back pain

Back is getting better

My back is slowly improving. I am now able to get out of bed without being in excruciating pain and it only hurts when I sit down and try and pick something up from the floor!

I am on my last ever night shift tonight so I will sleep tomorrow and then start onto my day routing of getting up at 5:30 and walking for an hour or so to get my 10000 steps in before I start my day on Friday morning and then carry it on through starting to work on my new 9-5 ish job. As my back is still not 100% I am going to hold off on starting BMX training for a couple of weeks to let my back heal properly and also to give myself a chance to work my way into my new routine.

My initial morning routine will be:

5:30-7:30 – Walking

7:30-9:00 – Study

9:00-12:00 – work

12:00-14:00 – BMX training

14:00-18:00 – Work

18:00-20:00 – Study

20:00-22:00 – Shopping, housework and Chill

22:00-5:30 – Sleep

This will have to be modified slightly when we go back to the office but for now it will work well.

I will also go shopping tomorrow and buy some fruit and salad to start my move to a raw vegan diet.

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