Back Bad again.

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I woke up a bunch of times in the night as my back hurt so didn’t sleep too well. I decided not to go for a walk this morning and I will walk while I work after lunch.

The new driver arrived this morning and I fitted it BUT is seem to have misplaced the safe place that I put the 11t sprocket! 🙁 I have had to order another sprocket from Halo so it may not be here by tomorrow although they are usually really quick at posting stuff so fingers crossed! I was sure that I had left the sprocket with the chain in a box to make it easy to find but obviously not as its not there now 🙁 I’m sure that it will turn up at some point though!
I am still waiting on the hacksaw blades to cut down the fork steerer tube but they will be arriving later today so once the forks are sorted I am just waiting on the sprocket and the new tubes to arrive to finish the bike setup and start riding it 🙂

Typically I have literally just moved a phone and found the 11t sprocket that I had lost! So the back wheel is back on and now just waiting to finish work to get the bike all set up 🙂 The blades for the hack saw arrived at 4pm just in time for me to finish work! they were really bad against the forks hardened steel so I got the angle grinder out and cut the forks down! I then fitted the chain as well so the bike is 95% finished! I just need to find some chain tensioners that will work with the frame then it is done 🙂

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I am hoping that the new tubes arrive tomorrow but if not I will steal one of the tubes from my Sunday 24″ for now! I found some chain tensioners on Amazon that will work with the bike so the bike will be 100% done one way or another by tomorrow night :- )

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