Another wasted week

After the basketball match on Wednesday I felt really sore so didn’t work out again all week!  This is why I sy that I have wasted another week.

I did join the gym on Friday so I should be able to start working out before xmas once my fob arrives. This means that I can get a head start on my workouts before the new year at least!

Regarding the manual challenge I am still going to try and get to 49m by my birthday but again I have lost another week of practice.

To be honest I have not felt right since I had the booster jab on Tuesday afternoon and have not felt like riding the BMX at all.

I did manage to pop over to my friends house and borrow my Curtis that his son is borrowing so that I can ride it again and decide if I will get another one made up as my worlds bike or not. I have tomorrow afternoon off so I will take it up the track for a play and most likely get some manuals in as well while I am up there to try and at least improve a little!

The only issue is that the Curtis has 165mm cranks on it which is a bit shorter than my usual 170mm’s so it will be interesting to see if that makes any difference or not. I am also thinking that I will do sprints on the Curtis on Tuesday night to see what the clock says about it being faster or not!


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