All the parts OS20 have now arrived

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So the brake, lever and rims arrived today so I now have all the parts to build the OS20 Chase. I am finding out when my friend can build the wheels and then I will get him the bits and then its just a waiting game ๐Ÿ™‚

I have just soaked the DXR’s in hot soapy water and cleaned all the old grease and muck off of them with an old tooth brush and washing up sponge so they are now shinny and new and ready to dry off and fit the 43t chain ring and new Avian chain ring bolts ready to fit once the wheels arrive ๐Ÿ™‚ I have also serviced the rear hub and fitted the new sprag and pulls that I bought a while back so the hub is like new:

The silver rim is a standard rim and it fits perfectly inside the OS20 rims with the packaging on it so the OS20 rims are at least 22″ ๐Ÿ™‚ I have also bought some 8.5″ Staystrong Flat barsย in black so that I have the same bars on both bikes (24″ and OS20) so that they feel the same. I am going to keep the 8″ Chrome S&M race bars that came with the chase in case I go back to the S&M Race bars on the Cruiser but I am pretty sure that I will stick with the flat bars as they feel really good on the Curtis so I’m pretty sure that they will be good on the OS20 too.

I have been thinking about what I will do with the Chase when the Standard arrives and I think that I will sell it as an OS20 with the parts that do not go onto the Standard and all the old red parts that I will save to rebuild the Chase. I figure that if I sell the Chase then I can spend a bit more on the Standard and get Onyx hubs wheels built up instead of going with Profile Elites that I was planning.

I was really tired after training last night and wasn’t able to sleep until almost midnight so I slept in until just before 7am and then showered and rode the ebike to work. I worked until just before 12:30 and then rode home in time for the rims to be delivered ๐Ÿ™‚

I have noticed that my hip is way less stiff and sore today so I think it is definitely a good idea to replace the mtb rides with longer walks again to kick start my weight loss and also work on my flexability as well.

Starting on Tuesday I will start doing full laps of the track on my lunch break as well to get race fit and also drop as much weight as I can before I go to Brazil on the 2nd of August as I am bound to put on a load of weight while I am away as my son is super skinny and has started to bulk up while being over there so I definitelyย will ๐Ÿ™‚

I also need to start stretching after work as well as it really helps with stopping nagging injuries as well as making you faster and way less achy and old feeling ๐Ÿ™‚

This evening I am going to go to Bath and meet a couple of friends for a play and chill before getting the bike cleaned and race ready although the weather looks really bad tomorrow so it is kind of pointless as I will have to wash it again after practice tomorrow anyway ๐Ÿ™

The evening track session was really good. I was doing the first straight faster than ever and my hip was feeling good. We also played on the 3rd straight a bit I I finally got a pull manual on manual off on the camel which I have been trying for weeks so a good session all around. Looking forward to the weekend racing too ๐Ÿ™‚

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