Airdrop Fade arrived Today

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The Airdrop Fade frame for my son arrived today so I have stripped down the Octane One Zircus and started to build the Airdrop Fade up using the parts from the Zircus. The Bergtec bars also arrived so they are going on the Fade too.

The first issue that I encountered was that the Cane Creek 40 headset that I bought with the frame only came with a 1.5″ crown race not the 1 1/8″ that my forks need. For now I have used the Crown race and bottom bearing from the Octane and the top race of the Cane Creek 40 but I have ordered a 52/30 Cane Creek 40 bottom assembly from Wiggle which comes with a new bottom bearing and a 1 1/8 race as well and free next day delivery so will be here tomorrow so that I can get the bike ready for the weekend.

The second issue that I had was that the Octane Frame had caused the non-drive side bearing to cross thread as the threads were not straight on the frame so I was not able to use the week old bottom bracket that I bought last week on the new frame so I have ordered another one from Wiggle to arrive tomorrow too.

The next issue was that my new brake didn’t come with a IS disk adapter to connect it to the frame so I bought one again from Wiggle along with a new saw guide to cut the bars down to size as they are 2.5″ too wide as I have lost mine ๐Ÿ™ I will also need the guide to cut down the steerer tube on the forks that are going onto the Octane One Zircus as the steerer is uncut at the moment so is really long.

The last issue is that the chain that I bought at the weekend has not arrived yet so I bought a KMC HL1 half link chain again from Wiggle which is also going to arrive tomorrow.

So if all goes to plan I will have the Airdrop all built up by tomorrow so that we can play on it at the weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ At the moment we have the most expensive balance bike ๐Ÿ™‚

Considering the frame isย  cosmetic second it is basically perfect other than about a cm flat spot/ mark on the down tube which shouldn’t cause any issues and if it does the frame has a warranty like any other frame so it shouldn’t be a problem.

Work related I also built up my new ergonomic kneeling chair that arrived on Tuesday and used it all day today and it is loads better than a normal chain and my back feels 10000 times better. It also makes me want to stand up after about an hour on it so when I stand up I have been raising the desk and working stood up for an hour or so before sitting again so I think that his will help me a lot.

Unfortunately again I have not been able to workout at all today as I have been working solidly from 5am again with no lunch break! I have been thinking about how to get more consistent with working out each week and I think that I am going to set my goal to be go to the gym 3 times a week for at least an hour at a time. I am not specifying which days I go but I am thinking at the moment that I will try and do Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday if possible but it leaves 3 other days to make up the missed sessions so I should be able to make the missed days up easily! I am planning to do Leg weights on Tuesday and Thursdays and had one day be an aerobic day so at the moment that will most likely be the ergonomic bike at the gym for an hour but we will see.

Anything over and above these 3 days will be a bonus but I feel that I need to start trying to build my consistency so that when my shoulder is healed I can up my goal to 4 days a week and add upper body too.


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