So the rest of the bits that I needed to finish the Airdrop Fade build arrived at lunchtime today and I got to work building it during my lunch break 🙂
The new Cane Creek crown race has made the headset feel perfect and the bottom bracket went into the frame all the way using my fingers so that was awesome too. The saw gage made cutting the bars down to 29 inches super easy and the chain made it super easy to slam the back wheel. The only issue that I have is that the disk brake IS mount doesn’t seem to work with the frame so I can’t get the brake to works 🙁
I have decided that I may as well get the same brake that is coming on the Airdrop Fade Works bike when I get it so that both bikes and also I figure that the brake will work with the frame as they use it on the completes. I also bought a couple of different IS20mm Disk brake mounts specifically for Sram brakes so hopefully one of them will work and I can ride the bike tomorrow.
There isn’t that much of a rush as there are no gates tomorrow as everyone is away at Andover racing so my son doesn’t need the bike to do gates on.
The bars are feeling much better cut down and the wheel is pretty much slammed as well so the bike should manual really well. I am also waiting on the Burgtec headset spacers and Gusset chain that I ordered at the weekend but other than that all the parts that I ordered have arrived. I want to get the bike built so that I can ride it into work on Monday and test it out. If I can get the brake sorted tomorrow I may go for a ride on it on Sunday while my son is sleeping to iron out all of the issues with it. The clocks go back Sunday so it will be lighter in the mornings again so I can do more riding before work too 🙂
Last night I bought a Pro Standard Grill Mount 3.0 for my go-pro as I want to try it to film my rides to see how it looks as it is supposed to file the best footage on a bike as your neck is basically a natural gimble. Francis Cade uses one all the time so it should be good. I though last night that I may start making YouTube videos of my rides to see if I can make a little bit of extra cash over the winter while I am off the BMX and have time to edit videos etc. I was looking at one of the bike check videos that I made over 5 years ago in like 5 minutes and that has over 2000 views so if I out some effort into it I could get more views and maybe get the videos monetised to try and make some extra money to pay off the bikes 🙂
I figure that I am riding anyway so I may as well film and see how it comes out. Then as I get back on the pump tracks and eventually the BMX track I can continue to make the videos. I also have a bunch of bikes to make bike checks on as well so I can make a fair bit of different content too. I was also thinking of doing an unboxing/ bike build video of the Airdrop Fade Works when it comes as I have watched all of the unboxing/ build videos so far and they are really good to watch and strangely relaxing 🙂 Also once I get my Swytch kit early next year the videos will be more interesting as I can go further and faster as well.
I have also decided that I am going to sell the Blue Octane One Zircus as well to pay off the ever growing costs of building my Son’s Airdrop Fade as it has cost me about £600 more than I was expecting including the price of the new frame and headset that were not part of the plan and basically an impulse buy.
I am also selling my Inspyre 20″, Sunday Wave C 24″, Dialled MX24R Cruiser Frame, Meybo Clipper Cruiser Frame and my Dialled 4X frame, so the money these frames will help cut a chunk of the debt from the build 🙂
I am not going to need all of those bikes as the Airdrop Fade works can be used for pretty much everything as it can be ridden in the skatepark, pump track and BMX track and its also fine for riding around town on as long as I don’t need to go up any hills 🙂