Active weekend already

Saturday I woke up at 5:30 as normal but decided to stay in bed and take it easy for a while and then chilled on my phone until about 9 am when I decided enough was enough and I got up and sorted out my bedroom/ gym to fit the be Olympic bar in which is 7ft long! To do this I had to move everything out of the room including about 200kgs of weights, the bars, bench and a bunch of bike frames as well! I also had to move the bedside cabinet from beside my bed and push the bed against the wall to make more space for the bar!

Once the room was re-arranges and hoovered and the gym floor moved I got the stuff back in and found that it fits perfectly in the re-arranged space so I an ready to go on Monday morning. While re-arranging the room I decided that taking part in a couching session was not the best idea so I dropped out and chilled for a bit longer before getting ready loading up the Dialled to give to my friend and the DMR into the car and made my way up to the track. The dialled feels good to ride and the disk brake seems to work well so it should be good for my friend to borrow for the season. After the coaching session had finished I got ready and had a play on the DMR and I have to say that I am liking it more every time that I ride it. More importantly my shoulder felt really good to so I think I can start to ride the track more from now on. I was able to manual pain free and also did some little jumps as well so I think that I am physically ready to start riding a bit.

My friend also worked his magic on the back wheel of the DMR so that is not moving any more either which is good. Apparently there is a nack to getting the taper lock to work which I most definitely do not have as the wheel moved again on my second first straight today! I still think that I may need a chain tug on the drive side when I start doing gates on it but we will see!

Even with no walking yesterday I still did over 7000 steps (7100) for the day which is pretty good for a lazy day!

This morning I had to wake up at 5 am which was actually 4 am as the clocks went forwards so it is officially summer time 🙂 as I had to meet a friend at the track to get some race shirts for him to take to Exeter for people to race in at today’s Regional Race. The walk to the track was pretty boring as it was pitch black and raining just to make it a bit more boring! The walk home was better as it was light so I had something to look at. By the time I got home I was on 10596 steps already so almost at my 11000 target for the day and its only 7 am 🙂


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