Active Rest day

Jump Bike

I had an active rest day today. As I was in the office this morning I rode the Dialled MX24r in which was a bit wet as it was raining but I had waterproofs so not really a problem. I then worked all morning and then rode home. At about 2pm I went to the track and blew off the start hill and berms with a friend (he did most of the work as his blower was way better than mine!) I then had a bit of a play on the jump bike but didn’t do too much as it was getting super windy.

bath jumpbike

Its a shame that it was so windy as the track was running really well! While riding the jump bike I noticed that the left crank arm was a bit wobbly and when. I checked it had worked its self really lose so I tightened it up all the way again. I will need to keep an eye on it!

I then chilled out for the rest of the day.

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