– 2019 – July


June was pretty much a write off riding and injury wise. My knee and back have been really bad so not much riding going on at all. At least I have been controlling my weight with the Huel diet so I started this month at 102.6kgs.

I got up early this morning and went to the hospital to get a chest xray to see what is going on with my rib and lungs as the doctor thinks that the rib may be the cause of all of my issues. I got the xray done in record time (15 minutes from entering the hospital to arriving back at my car! Not too shabby.

I then went home and iced the knee as it was a bit painful from the walking at the hospital.

I then built up my Dialled Cruiser with the profile wheelset that I picked up from Crucial last week and the new chain tensioners, axle bolts and cranks that I bought this week.

I now have the GT and the Dialled Built up and rideable. I am going to leave the GT at the track in the container as I use it there and keep the Dialled for riding around town and pump tracks etc with flat pedals.

I also bought a set of 180mm GT Speed Series cranks off of the internet to put on the GT so that I can put the cliq cranks off of the GT onto the Curtis when I build it up later in the year.

In the evening I went out for a 15 minute ride on the MTB to see if the knee can handle the pedaling as I am planning to go out for a longer ride tomorrow.

The knee was fine so I am getting up early to ride the MTB before it gets too hot.


Got up at 6 and went out for a ride on the MTB on mainly roads. rode for 50 minutes and did 8.2 miles and got up a hill that I havent been able to ride up since I was in my 20’s so feeling chuffed.

Then went out and took the dog for a walk for an hour and a half so all in all a good day so far.

I was going to take the MTB to Windhill for a play but I think that I will rest up and maybe go there tomorrow morning after taking the dog for a walk.

I missed the delivery of my cranks so I will have to wait in the house on Thursday until they arrive as I re-arranged the delivery for then,

I am also planning to go to Patchway to ride Wednesday afternoon and maybe race if my knee feels up to it.


Took the day off as I was planning to race at Patchway this evening. When I got there I did a few laps and gates and blew my knee out so didn’t race.

Even though I didn’t race I have a really good night and it was really good to catch up with everyone.


Didn’t get to ride today as I was resting up and had to set up the gate for training and do some strimming ready for the regional next week.


Rested up all day again and then met up with my friend Matt after his training session and rode for a couple of hours. It was really good fun and my knee held up pretty well. We worked on all straights which was good.


Got up early and went to pick up my son to go to wind hill to ride mountain bikes but he took ages to get ready so we decided to ride BMX at bath track instead. Had a good couple of hours riding.


Stayed at home all day and took it easy. We did go out for a bit of a play on the bikes around the village but not much else.


Got up early and met my friend Matt at Bath skatepark for a morning session. Worked on my bunny hopping as my bike had no brake on it so I couldn’t really work on manuals. Did about 2 hours all together and my bunny hops improved loads. I really enjoyed it and I have decided to get a new park bike as the one I have is a little small so my Son is going to have it.

I have bought a We the people Cysis 2017 from eBay it is all chrome frame forks and bars and also has a gyro and a free coaster and 4 pegs so everything that I need to progress.


Went out for a road ride on the mountain bike today. Did just under 8 miles in just over 50 minutes. Had to go a really hilly route as the roads on my normal route for repairs. My knee held up pretty well until about 10 minutes before I finished so pretty pleased.

Went and picked up the new bike on the way to the track. It is really nice and looks pretty much brand new. I didn’t have much of a chance to ride it as I was busy doing track maintenance ready for the regional on Sunday but had a bit of a ride and it feels nice. I am not sure about the freecoaster but I will give it a chance before I go back to a cassette.


Didn’t get a chance to ride at all today as my knee was sore and had loads of errands to do so ran out of time.


Got up early and got to the track for 7am and met up with my friend Matt when he arrived at 7:30 ish.

Had a really good session and learnt to manual the 3rd jump on the third straight which I have always been scared of! Didn’t manage to sack up and jump it but I am working up to it. When Matt left I rode for another hour or so until my back gave out.

Decided I am racing on Sunday as I was able to do full laps pain free so it would be rude not too.


My back has been really hurting today as has my knee from all the riding yesterday and also working all night.

Had a rest day today and will see how I feel in the morning.


Got up early this morning and met my friend at the Skatepark with my son. We had a really good session where myself and my son learnt to drop in on the small ramps and also did a load of now and stuff. We rode for about an hour and a half.

Had a rest for the rest of the day to recover to ride midsomer Norton Skatepark tomorrow early


Got up early and went to Midsomer Norton Skatepark. We had another successfully day with both of us managing to drop in and fly out of the 5ft quarter a bunch of times. We also rode the bowls a bit as well.

Bought a new back wheel for the park bike as I hated the freecoaster wheel that came with it. Apparently the model that came with the bike is renowned for being a freecoaster and a cassette but not working as either. I went with a LHD cassette back wheel as I have always wanted a LHD bike 😁

Unfortunately the new rim is wider than the original wheel and I have been unable to get the brake to work. I am going to drop it off at Crucial to get it dialled in.

Got a message at 3pm that my friends Jamie and Jamie were going or Windhill so I loaded up the mountain bike and went for a 3 hour session. It was really chilled but got a really good sweat on so it’s all weight loss.

Going to have a bit of a lie in tomorrow morning as we can’t go to the Skatepark as my bike is broke and I have the doctors at just before 9am.

Going to pick up my road bike tomorrow afternoon which I am looking forwards to. I am going to drop off my race bikes at the container to make room for the new road bike. I plan to clear out the garage on Thursday to make room to set up the turbo trainer and road bike so that I can start riding on it every day.

I also bought another Yess Type X Pro XL cruiser frame that I am going to build up as my second race bike. I am going to pack up the dialled frame as I am not using it at the moment but I would like to keep it to build up as my bike to ride to work on or possibly a pump track park play bike with park cranks and hubs. Or maybe a sprint bike with a higher gearing to simulate hill sprints. There is no point selling it as I will only get £100 maximum for it and will find it hard to find another one if I want one later on. Even if I don’t use it it will look good on the wall.

I am going to go to Crucial tomorrow and get some Yess forks to go on the yess frame and also get some custom yess stickers as the frame currently has no stickers on it. I will also get a headset and a new chain so that I have everything that I need to build up the bike when it comes.


Went to the doctors again about my back/knee issues and I have now been sent to physio as I have a suspected trapped nerve in my back and maybe a bulging disk too!!

Had stuff to do today too so we had the day off from riding.

In the afternoon we went to my friends house and he made us sour dough pizza’s which were amazing.

I also picked up the racing bike that I had bought off of him.


got up early to meet my friend at the track at 7:30 but my back was hurting so I figured I should not push it so I decided not to ride.

Instead of riding I started organizing the garage. I built up the shelving units that I bought a couple of months ago from amazon and replace the 2 smaller shelving units that they had there. This meant that I was able to fit all of the stuff from the old shelving units onto one new shelving unit and clear a bunch of the stuff piled on the floor onto the other unit. I am not waiting for some bike hooks to arrive from Amazon and then I will get the bikes up on the rafters too to clear even more space. I have one more unit to build once I have somewhere to put it 🙂

I have also bought a big wheeled tool chest as I currently have all of my tools in 3 smaller tool boxes and it is a real pain finding anything. It will arrive tomorrow so I can then get the garage totally organized before I have to go back to work on Saturday night.

I have to go to the track later and do some repairs after the storm the other night and also set up gates for the training session and then I plan to come back and set up the turbo trainer with the new bike and have a ride for an hour or so.


Back is still playing up so going to have to take it easy again today. I may try and get a ride in on the road bike if I feel up to it later.

The Yess frame arrived at my work today so I am going to pick it up later today. And hopefully build it up tomorrow.

I just need to pick up an integrated headset and I am all ready to build it up. I also want to get another set of Yess forks for yess so that I have them on the GT and the Yess to make both bikes have identical setups except for the frame.

I am then going to box up the dialled frame and forks and also the Curtis frame that I have broken down at the moment and box them up and put them in storage as I am not going to use them at the moment.

I signed up for a storage container this morning so I should hopefully have it ready to use tomorrow.

I am going to clear out all of my stuff from my parents garage and put it in the storage locker along with the bikes that I am not using at the moment so that we can organise the garage 100% as my parents are saying that most of the mess is mine so once that has gone they will have to admit that it isn’t.

It also means that I know where all my stuff is as at the moment my stuff is all over the place and I can’t find anything. I am going to leave my tools and bike work stand in the garage for now along with the bikes that I use regularly and then store everything else.


Back still feels pretty bad so I am going to rest again today. I have to drop off my park bike in Crucial to be fixed and also pick up some bits for the Yess Build then I have some errands to run in Bath so no time for riding today anyway. I also have to sleep later on as I have to work tonight but I will try and get a leisurely ride in on the race bike if I can to try and ease the back before having to sit down all night.

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