So this afternoon I made it to Bath gates and set up the timing and did OK considering I twisted both my ankles at different times trying to clip in!
My fastest time today was actually slower than last week even though I was clipped in this week compared to on flats like last week although there was a bit of headwind today!
My fastest time today was 2.399 compared to a 2.397 last week on flats! I am much more comfortable on flats so I am going to clip in from now on! I also really need to start doing sprints on Tuesday and Thursday Lunch times at a minimum to start to get my pedalling efficiency and leg speed back!
I also bought a Belgian Split Squat roller so I am going to start doing Belgian Single leg squats on Tuesday and Thursday evenings to try and get stronger!
I also have to get back into the habit of walking first thing again as I have not done it at all this week again 🙁