Weight Finally dropping again

So this morning I am down to 108.4 kgs so I have lost 1 kg exactly so far this week so I’m pretty happy that my weight is moving in the right direction again after putting on so much weight while I was ill over the past month or so!

I am aching a lot still but that is to be expected with the increases in exercise that I have been forcing onto myself at the moment! Tonight I am going to sort out my rollers and my roller bike so that I can start riding the rollers in the evening after work too! Yesterday was the first time in over a week that I got my 12000 steps in without having to use the rollers so that was good and it is something that I should try and do most days if I can as walking normally is harder than walking on the rollers so burns more blubber I think. I will start to finish work then get my coat and shoes on and go for a walk up the hill to try and kick start more weight loss and also clear my head ready to start my learning hour when I get home again!

I figure now that my morning routine is getting sorted I need to start working on my evening routine to get more active in the evening and stop wasting time doom scrolling and watching TV in the evenings. Last night I deleted Facebook from my phone again so that will help with the doom scrolling issues 🙂


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