Not much better today

So to go along with feeling crappy my stomach is now bad so I called off going out on the bike this morning for fear of an accident! I woke up without an alarm about 6:30 and did my weigh-in and I am up to 108.5 kgs again this morning so I am now really heavy again so I am just getting ready and then I will walk on the treadmill for a bit to try and burn some fat but not leave the house!

I also fell on a group for over 50’s in Bath that has a basketball session so I have asked about jointing the group after Xmas when I am fitter! To get rid of fat faster I am going to ride the mtb in my lunch break every day Mon-Friday for the rest of the week then when I get near 100kgs I will start doing some basketball specific training at the court neat my house a couple of lunch times a week as well to try and get in basketball shape faster! Then after Xmas I will start playing basketball on Sundays at Tro and Thursday nights I think at the over 50’s in Bath.

I think that with walking, gym and road rides all week I should get to under 100 kgs easily by the end of the year (52 days left) especially as I am going to commit to the carnivore diet for the same amount of time to see how it goes. I am finishing off all the crap that I bought yesterday today then from tomorrow I am 100 days 100% carnivore!

I have been thinking while I was on my 10 minutes backwards walking to try and sort my knee than the best way to build muscle and lose fat is the gym so I am going to go back to the gym first thing Monday to Friday from 5:30-6:15 ish riding the bike to the office and leaving it there then walking over the road to the gym, working out and then riding home to start work for 6:30. Then lunch times I will do and hour or so on the bike and backwards walking them I will have to walk after work to get my 10000 steps in.

Weekends, Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday evening I will ride the BMX for fun and to work on my skills ready to start sprints etc in the new year when I should be at a decent weight and fitness level too 🙂

My goal for the next 50 days it so go to the gym EVERY week day and go for at least 1 hour of bike riding every lunch time too during the week.

Hopefully by Xmas I can get down to 95 kgs then I should be OK to play basketball then I can start swapping out road rides for basketball shooting sessions a couple of times a week to mix it up a bit and work on basketball fitness.

I am also going to get back into the habit of getting up at 5 am and getting out of bed EVERY DAY so at the weekend I will get up and go out for a Ruck with the weight vest on and during the week I will get up and ride to the gym and workout. For now I will stick to machines at the gym to get my body used to the gym and also try and prevent injuries as well. After Xmas I will swap one of my leg sessions (Probably Wednesday’s session) for plyometrics to work on my power as well as my strength and also try and fit a couple of sprints sessions into the week too.

My main aim other than losing fat is to build the habit of going to the gym every morning before work over the winter so that I can continue to do so during the summer as well to continue to get stronger and fitter and prevent injuries. The most important part for me is forming the habbit to make it easier to do long term and become more consistent with my training long term.


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