So I woke up this morning with a sore back but I decided that I walking would be a good idea to sort my back out as I didn’t do a lot all weekend again so I need to sort myself out! I decided against going to the gym as I didn’t want to aggravate my back any more than it was already! I did my weigh in and I am back up to 106.5kgs again 🙁 Mostly due to the amount of crap I ate to make up for not drinking fizzy drinks today as I am stopping drinking them again!
I then showered and got dressed and then got my headphones on and walked my up hill route to try and get a bit more fat burning going! I remembered to start Strava this monring too so here is the summary:
As soon as I turned left instead of right at the end of the road I could feel the difference in walking up hill instead of downhill and by halfway up the hill I was breathing really heavily which is another good sign!
I only walked for 50 minutes and only walked 2.72 miles or 5898 steps but I gained 345 ft which was all the 1st half of the walk is its uphill for exactly 1 mile then I walk along the flat and then back down the hill which hurt my feet a lot as I am getting heavy again 🙁
While I was heading home my stomach started to gurgle and I almost didn’t make it home again before having diarrhoea which is mostly caused my the amount of crap I ate yesterday and my body getting rid of all the crap from the fizzy drinks that i have been drinking for the past few weeks!
Other than the odd stomach I am feeling better after the walk but I decided to not go into the office today as it isn’t worth the risk of it being another bug that I can pass on to people. Also its not fair to expose the rest of the office to the stench of the stuff coming out of me at the moment!
When I was finished breaking the toilet I starting work as normal but from home instead of making my way into the office.
I think I will call off my lunchtime ride today and tidy the flat instead as its a real mess and needs doing! Plus I don’t want to venture too far from home the way my stomach is at the moment! The cleaning should get me over the 10000 steps for the day I would think and I may get the rollers in later if I feel better and do an hour this evening on the rollers while I am on call to get a road ride in.