I woke up at 5 am a bit tired as I didn’t get finished building the StayStrong Speed and Style 24″ until almost 10 pm. I forced myself out of bed and did my weigh in and I’m back up to 105.6 kgs today 🙁 I then did some work then jumped into the shower and then got dressed and then put the cooldown seat and lights onto the StayStrong Speed and Style 24″ and rode it into the office. The cooldown seat is at least 1 couple of inches too long on the StayStrong Speed and Style 24″ frame so I will have to cut it down to be able to use it properly but I didn’t want to do it at 5:30 am so I made do today.
After I finished work I rode home and again the bike rode really well and felt perfect size wise! I will know for sure if I like it or not once I get it on the track today at lunch time but I’m happy with it for now. The brake feels much better with the Profile Mini wheels on this bike as I dialled it in properly got the rims which I didn’t do when they were on the Standard 125R 24″ which I think was the reason that I felt off on Sunday maybe.
The new race Pants and headset arrive today although I don’t need the headset any more as I used the one from the Standard but still 🙂 I also ordered some 20mm to 10mm fork adaptors from Alans that are not in stock but available from wholesaler so they should be here in about a week so I can then use the StayStrong 20mm forks from the DK when they arrive then the Curtis and the StayStrong Speed and Style 24″ will have the same parts other than wheels so that should make then feel similar to ride at least!