A lot of BMX today

This morning I woke up at 4am then went back to sleep until my alarm at 4:45 only to wake up at 6:30 so I had to get up and start work! This meant that I was not able to go to the gym as planned. I did my weigh in and I was up 0.1 kgs to 102.7 kgs so not bad seing as I ate a fair bit of carbs yesterday!
I then worked until 12 and then headed to the track with my son where we played mostly doing manuals on the 3rd and 4th straights which was fun. After about 1 hour 15 minutes or so I dropped my son off at his mums house and then headed home to start work again.

At 17:30 I went back to the track and rode mostly the 3rd and 4th straights again with my friends although I did get a couple of perfect 1st straights too where I tap manualed both jumps which was cool. Playing on the 3rd straight I got smooth manuals on the 1st jump followed by a super smooth and fast manual off of the camel jump and then tap manualled the 3rd jump so I’m pretty happy with that! I wasn’t able to get the pull manual on manual off on the camel but I think that that will come soon ๐Ÿ™‚

I got home about 21:00 feeling happy but tired ๐Ÿ™‚ A really successful day ๐Ÿ™‚

I fell short of my 10000 steps goal for the day as I was too tired to walk on the treadmill when I got home and I decided 7335 steps was enough for today as I had done a lot of riding today instead andย  I needed to go to sleep!

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