I woke up and I was a bit sore so I decided to chill and do some work instead of go for a walk. I did my weigh-in as normal and I am down another 0.1 kgs to 103.6 kgs so moving in the right direction even if it is a lot slower than the last 2 weeks! I have to be honest I haven’t been 100% carnivore this week as the sausages that I ate were 50% meat at most and I had chicken dippers and a couple of onion rings yesterday so I need to re-group and sort myself out!
I need to start having omelettes for breakfast as after an omelette I don’t get hungry for the rest of the day! I am going to buy some more cheese today as the extra mature cheddar I have makes the omelette really greasy and I lose interest in eating it before I am full which is not ideal. yesterday I also picked up some StayStrong Straight Cruiser bars and a Tioga Spider seat and Thompson railed seat post so I have bars and a seat a post for the DK when I pick it up 🙂 I am probably going to stick them all on the GT Speed Series until I get the DK as I will be using that as my ride around bike for now.
My knee felt a lot better last night when riding with the knee support so I am going to keep using the support and I will try and get back to sprints today at lunch time to try and get in some kind of shape for racing Cardiff if I do.
I am thinking to do car-park skills for 10-15 minutes then Some sprints then go onto the track and practice jumping on the 3rd straight. I am going to stick to 15m and 30m sprints for now so they are fine to do before riding the track as the 60m sprints take too much out of me and I can’t ride 🙁
I am off tomorrow during the day so I will get up early and head to Patchway for a ride and work on jumping there too as it has lots of good size jumps there. The weather looks good all weekend so I will try and get out on the bike as much as possible over the weekend! Once I am done at Patchway I will head over to my parents and do the hoovering and swap cars back. I will then head home and get the roof bars sorted on my car and clean the car as well as it is a state!