Last night I woke up at 3:30 and was unable to get back to sleep until about 4:30 so I slept until 6:30 then got up and did my weigh-in while my laptop booted up. I am the same weight this morning that I was yesterday (103.7 kgs) which is a bit annoying but as all I ate yesterday was bacon and sausages its kind of not a surprise!
I am planning to go to the track at lunch time and try and get comfortable jumping as I am off to Cardiff to test out the new track there and the first jump looks like it needs to be jumped to be fast so I want to be a bit prepared for it!
So I chilled at lunch time today as the weather was a bit meh and I wanted to be fresh to ride at Cardiff tonight. As soon as I finished work at 16:30 I jumped in the car and headed to Cardiff! The traffic was a nightmare and it took over 30 minutes longer than expected but I got to the track just after 18:30 as planned and got kitted up and had a look around the track! It is absolutely massive and the start hills are really mental.
The first jump wasn’t at all as bad as it looked online although its a pretty big manual its not too harsh at all so I was all good. It look me all of the session to sack up and snap out of the gate and pedal down the hill. Once my brain adjusted to the speed that you are hitting the first jump I got the manual dialled but it isn’t really fast so for the next couple weeks I really need to focus on jumping so I am going to start practising this lunch time on the 3rd straight at Bath to try and get comfortable with jumping.
Apparently there may be a small club race in Cardiff in a couple of weeks which is a taster for the regional on the 4th August so I want to be in a place to at least try and jump the first jump by then! I am still unsure if I will be racing on the 4th but I will deffo be at the Saturday practice session to get more hill time to get used to 5m hills for next season!
I had to go the longer way home as the M4 Bridge was closed so I didn;t get home until 22:00 so I had no time to make sure that I did my 10000 steps today so I fell just under 2000 steps short at 8140 steps although a lot of those steps were up stairs carrying my bike to get back to the top of the start hill so it should count as 10000 normal steps for the day 🙂