So I have the day off today but I still woke up at 4:45 like normal so I got up and did my weigh-in and was surprised to see that I am now down to 104.8kgs this morning so in 2 weeks of being on the Carnivore diet and stopping drinking Fizzy Drinks I have lost a staggering 4.1kgs with so little effort its amazing!
Other than feeling much better due to the weight loss I have also noticed how much better my asthma has got which is most likely due to the improvement in my acid reflux which was really bad before I made the changes! Either way I think my asthma is the best that it has been in a long time so I will take it 🙂
If I say that I have averaged 2 kgs a week so far and then guess that I will keep that up for the next couple months then I will be under 100kgs by 09/08/2024 and be at my target weight of 85 kgs by 27/09/2024. I think that a 2kg weight loss is maybe a bit ambitious as the first couple weeks on any new diet it the period where you lose the most weight BUT I haven’t really been exercising consistently recently so when I start doing that as well as the Carnivore diet I think that 2kgs a week may be possible. I have set a goal weight of 90kgs before I try and play basketball again so I can maybe start playing basketball again in early September (06/09/2024) and then adding basketball to my training on Sundays will really help to shift the weight in a hurry!
My body is starting to feel a lot better so I really need to work out more regularly as once a week on a Saturday is not going to brink many gains so I really need to re-focus and start working out 3 x a week (2 x legs and 1x upper body!) so I am going to bite the bullet and work put Mondays first thing as I am in the office anyway so I may as well get a leg session in before work! I will then do upper body on Wednesday Morning and keep my usual Saturday leg session with my Son going as it means we get some time together outside of the house and also it gets my Son used to getting up really early and being functional straight away which is a skill that he is going to need if he joins the airforce as he plans to!
I plan to meet some friends at the track at lunch time for a play so this morning as I can’t go out as I have a delivery coming I will sort out my GT Pro Series 24″ with a new brake as my friend needs to borrow a bike he decided to send both his bike frames to the powder coaters on a whim! I will also put my roof bars and bike carriers on the car as I bought the new roof rack when I bought the car over a year ago and I have never got around to fitting it! I want to get the roof bars on so that I can get my car organised and use it as a car instead of a messy van like it is now! I have sold the Cult Race Frame, forks and bars anyway so I no longer have a car bike until I get my Supercross and DK back from my friend when I buy them and then the DK will be my Car bike to play on pump tracks and just generally have a bike with me all the time.
Speaking of pump tracks I really need to start hitting a pump track before work on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings before work to start working on my bike skills as I have been really slack recently!
I have been thinking about my bikes and as I am adding 2 more bikes to the stable next month I think I will have to sell a few bikes to make room! I Currently have the following Bikes:
New Curtis 24″
Older Curtis 24″ (Loaned out)
Standard 24″ (Loaned out)
GT Pro Series 24″
Black Market 24: Jump Bike (Forks need replacing)
Sunday 24″ (Currently in bits)
Vitus 29″
E bike
Road Bike (Not currently working)
Full Sus MTB
20″ Park bike
Of the bikes that I have I am probably going to sell the GT Pro Series, the Vitus 29″, the e bike once its fixed and the Full Sus. Basically the Gt and the new DK will server the same purpose but the DK is nicer in my opinion as its a full race bike and the GT is a weird in between bike even though it rides really well! The same can be said of the Vitus and the road bike! They both server the same purpose (road rides) but the Vitus will sell better as the road bike is way older and also needs some work! I have only ridden the full sus once in a year so that’s a no brainer!
I’ve just got the brake sorted and dialled in on the GT Speed Series 24″ and also swapped out the stem that was on it for its original stem so it is all ready to sell when I feel like it!
I’m not sure why but I really have a soft spot for this bike even though I have way more expensive ones that I ride all the time! I guess its because one of these was my first Cruiser when I got back into racing so it just feels right! I have decided that I will not sell this after all as its a perfect ride to work bike as It only cost be a bunch of spare parts and I enjoy riding it so I may as well ride it for that!
At the moment I am thinking that I will ride the following bikes for the following purposes:
New Curtis 24″ – Gates and race bike only.
Supercross 24″ – Training on track when not too wet
DK 24″ – Winter bike and Pump Track Bike
GT 24″ – Ride around Town “Pub” bike
Black Market 24″ – Pump Track Bike when I feel like it and Jumping bike on track when needed!
I really need to get a decent bike storage rack for the garage to house all of these bikes. I am looking at a Stashed ceiling mount system as it looks like the perfect solution for me. I may also clear out the shed as the GT and DK will fit in there perfectly so I may as well use it for what it is intended instead of a dumping ground for all the crap I don’t use but can’t be bothered to take to the tip! I am going to make it my mission to get the shed cleared out next week and then go to the tip next weekend! The Stashed system looks like a well thought out and easy to use system that a lot of bike shops are now using o it must have some value! It is expensive at about £600 for an 8 bike system or £900 for a 12 bike system it should be the best way to store my bikes without getting them scratched up etc and also take up the least amount of garage space. I am waiting for the club to get their now containers then I can get rid of the 5 old park bikes that are currently stored in my garage then I will have loads more space to sort out garage and make it usable again as it is a tip at the moment. I am hoping that once it is clearer I can actually have room in there to work on my motorbike over the winter so that I can get it back on the road to get it through the MOT next year so I can ride it or sell it as for the past 5 years it has just been a really expensive ornament so its such a waste!
The Curtis and the Supercross will live in the flat as will the Standard OS20 when its built and the Standard 24″ when that comes back too.