Weight gone up a bit!

So my weight went up yesterday (Monday) up to 105.6 kgs from 105.4kgs on Sunday. I think that this will be due to eating dumplings on Saturday when I was at my parents house on Saturday and also having a lot of mint on my lamb steaks on Sunday and today too. Yesterday lunch time I went out with my team for lunch and had a bacon cheese burger, chips and onion rings. I did get rid of the bread but I still ate the chips and onion rings and had a glass of orange juice so not very carnivore today! I also had the other 2 lamb steaks with a lot of mint sause again to get rid of them! Going forwards I will have to avoid lamb for a bit as you can;t eat it without mint sauce!

This morning I was still 105.6 kgs which was a surprise after eating badly yesterday and also I am a bit constipated I think due to basically burning all of the calories that I have been consuming every day!

I am taking the gammon joint that I bought at the weekend to my parents house so while I am there my Mum can cook it for me so for the next few days I will have ham on tap in the fridge! I am going to simplify my diet again to just meat, eggs and cheese to see if I can get back to losing weight again!

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